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1 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. I think I'm having the same issue... I wonder if maybe it's affecting people who ported games from fm23? I have the same scouting setup in fm24 and just realized that my scouts who previously were assigned to go between 2+ nations were never leaving the first nation listed in their recruitment focus... and like others on this thread, my focuses have basically stopped returning players altogether. I've uploaded my save as "dotdot_todd scouting not working.fm"
  2. I've had this issue for a while: I have 8 scouts signed and scouting, but on the scouting assignments page, I'm only shown 7 scouts and their assignments, which means obviously that one of my scouts (Gary Richards) doesn't show up in this view. I was wondering if this was maybe because I've hired a scout who is also the director of football, but he's actually not even the scout not showing up on this display. Save uploaded as "Tim Hortons - King's Lynn2"
  3. I had to go into staff responsibilities and re-delegate opposition scouting and opposition analysis in order to get the reports to come back.... but I had the same issue when trying to assign them to a specific scout.
  4. but like you I can't get it to work when I try to assign to a specific scout... it's only by doing this delegation that I get the reports
  5. I've had this happen as well... but I managed to fix it by going into staff responsibilities and re-delegating responsibility for opposition scouting and opposition analysis (to head analyst), and that has seemed to fix the problem
  6. I think you have to move beyond this screen to be able to praise last match or criticize performance... I think at this point you're considered by the game to be still in the match, but let me know if that's not the case.
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