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Everything posted by snowofman

  1. you must be doing something wrong then. and always start from the beginning 1) open player overview panel 2) locate the code or the next file: in this case - player_personal_details_panel.xml 3) repeat 2 - and you'll find - player/tcs/selector/header/playerpic/selector 4) etc etc - and at the end you'll find - player\tcs\selector\header\playerpic 5) now open the selector.xml and locate the file you need to edit as they are listed here Happy hunting
  2. have you remembered to untick "used caching for faster loading" ? and clear the cache and reload the skin ? taking the file back_full_dummy.xml as you mentioned and deleting / commenting out from line 58 to 126 removed the face fine for me. (both lines included)
  3. what happends when you try and delete the references ?
  4. You are in the wrong forum asking about FMXML .xml is opened by alot of programs, notepad++ editplus, notepad etc .fmf is extracted by using the "Resource archiver" which is free.
  5. yeah it's a resolution issue and there isnt really 1 file to change to make everything shift to the left the scout cards are intertwined into 3 places and when you make changes to fit 1 screen it will most likely look strange on the other screens If i was you, i would probably try and make the inbox "left side" less wide and hope the attributes would fall into place.. i can't remember where thats done, but probably in the inbox panel.xml try and change line 53 <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_layout="-3, 1, -9" horizontal_offset="0" horizontal_gap="0" vertical_inset="0"/> change -9 to -10 and see if anything changed
  6. The skin is optimized for 1920x1080 at 100% - 95% is preferred make sure your "windows scaling and layout" is set to 100% and the scouting card should sort itself
  7. These are all good places to start reading, you can get the "base" skin here https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/578692-fm24skin-football-manager-2024-base-skins/ then you should get a program like "Notepad++" it's free and have many usefull functions to help you other then that, trial and error - patience and lots of it if you get stuck, just drop a message in here https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/578693-fm24helprandom-and-small-skinning-questions/ And hope someone is able to help you get unstuck just make sure you have tried first and not just given up before hand.. Have fun and enjoy the journey and most of all the stuff you make
  8. There will always be something, that someone don't agree with or would like to change. thats why it's free for anyone to make personal changes to suit there needs, as long as it's not re-released as something else.
  9. it's down to your resolution, if you look through this thread there is a solution you can make that will "expand" the stadium pic to your size
  10. as it isnt out yet, i think you can safely assume it's abandoned i also belive lots of it was or is used in the WTCS update
  11. No requests for graphics downloads please!! This is a help forum only. Any offending threads will be closed.
  12. You have to change the graphics, but there is packs out there. just try google
  13. only by changing the font in the fonts folder find the file with the font that you want to change, rename the new font to the font used in the file ( thats the fast and easy way )
  14. ahh okay, glad i put i "think" as i havnt played around with the scoreboard so i could not be 100% sure.
  15. I "think" it is If you look into the scoreboards in the default files, you find this where the Value changes from competition to competition. 1 = bundesliga 2 = CL 6 super cup etc.
  16. just edit the titlebar search panel.xml and change the position of the searchbar if the file isnt part of the skin, you need to extract the file and add it to the generic folder
  17. Olas. Calm down and watch the blood pressure - breath in 1 2 3 4 and slowly out
  18. oh yes ofc.. it's the other way around! Sorry i just woke up but indeed thats odd, but glad you tested it in the default skin and sorry there isnt anything we can do from here
  19. competition news panel if i remember correct. if you open "section meta data.xml" you can look many of the pages up yourself
  20. I believe it's a game issue as you say yourself, Serie C isnt part of the default game and we "sadly" don't control what the dropdown shows and we can't edit them But the best way is for you to test with the default skin, if it shows up in the default skin it might be a skin issue, but i doubt it. So please test again with default skin and another custom skin.
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