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Everything posted by oi_oi_ginger_roy

  1. This worked perfectly btw. Thank you
  2. Ok so my next task is i would love to have another tab after "PASSING NETWORK" that is "AROUND THE GROUNDS" - that can display the latest scores and latest table. I've seen it on the WTS skin but have no idea how i would implement it into this skin Anyone know?
  3. Thanks This is the current code: <!--condition icon--> <widget class="client_object_property_panel" property="PcOI" width="16" navigation_focus_target="false" id="PcOI"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> <record id="widget_properties"> <boolean id="label_disabled" value="true" /> <boolean id="show_hover_popup" value="false" /> <integer id="width" value="16" /> <flags id="icon_alignment" value="centre"/> </record> </widget>
  4. Where & what are we replacing this btw? - just so i don't mess things up lol
  5. If anyone is interested instead i just increased the width of the button From: <widget class="icon_button" id="oppi" auto_size="horizontal" appearance="buttons/custom/over state only/button" font="tadu" colour="bg" size="8" icon_colour="bg" secondary_icon_colour="bg" icon="icons/16px/squad" > <translation id="text" translation_id="316801" type="use"/> </widget> To: <widget class="icon_button" id="oppi" width="160" appearance="buttons/custom/over state only/button" font="tadu" colour="bg" size="8" icon_colour="bg" secondary_icon_colour="bg" icon="icons/16px/squad" alignment="centre" icon_alignment="centre"> <translation id="text" translation_id="316801" type="use"/> </widget>
  6. Ok thanks - so what is the graphic from this button, can you tell from the code? <container class="contrast_box" appearance="boxes/contrast/no margin/top/paper" red_replacement="fg" height="30"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize" horizontal_alignment="left" horizontal_offset="0" horizontal_gap="2" /> <widget class="icon_button" id="oppi" auto_size="horizontal" appearance="buttons/custom/over state only/button" font="tadu" colour="bg" size="8" icon_colour="bg" secondary_icon_colour="bg" icon="icons/16px/squad" > <translation id="text" translation_id="316801" type="use"/> </widget> </container>
  7. I’m getting there with my edits can someone please tell me what you add to put padding (left and right) to text & an icon that sits on a button?
  8. How do I centre text on a button? Is is ‘alignment=“center” ?
  9. I'm wondering if its possible to make these buttons wider? - i'm on a widescreen monitor so they're quite small for me... I think i've found the found in 'match console quick tactics panel.xml' but not sure what i need to change or if i'm in the right place - anyone know? Here's the code for the 'shouts' button.... <container class="contrast_box" appearance="boxes/contrast/no margin/top/paper" red_replacement="fg" height="30"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize" horizontal_alignment="left" horizontal_offset="0" horizontal_gap="2" /> <container> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize" horizontal_gap="12" horizontal_offset="4" vertical_inset="2" /> <widget class="widget_popup_button" id="shou" auto_size="horizontal" popup_alignment="right,top" widget_type="match_tactic_popup_panel" icon="icons/16px/team talk" icon_colour="woz_bg" secondary_icon_colour="woz_bg" appearance="" alignment="centre" icon_alignment="centre" secondary_icon_alignment="centre" font="tadu" size="8" colour="woz_bg"> <translation id="text" translation_id="319627" type="use" value="Shouts[COMMENT: sections.xml, touchline shoust header text]" /> <translation id="hint" translation_id="516090" type="use" value="Shouts allow for motivational instructions to be issued to the players on the pitch.[COMMENT: AREA: Match; SUB-AREA: Shouts; NOTE: hint text for the Shouts button]" /> <record id="modal_popup_properties"> <boolean id="darkened" value="false" /> <boolean id="attempt_to_reposition" value="true" /> </record> <record id="widget_properties"> <string id="file" value="match/match tactic popup panel shout" /> </record> </widget> </container>
  10. @bluestillidie00 Is there a mod that we can use to have the scoreboard display the full name of the teams? If not, do you know what file i would need to change to do it?
  11. Which file(s) control the inbox news items? - not the story but the inbox on the left. I want to amend the colours of the selected story but not sure where to look
  12. So when using a skin that has the mini kits and player faces on the tactics screen, if you then click the 'Analysis' button the overlay appears but the faces and kit remain visible. Does anyone know how to get it so they disappear like the player position/role does in the base skin/game? See below screenshot of what happens (have tried this on multiple skins)
  13. That’s great thank you. I was toying whether to load the leagues to get players or just tick the option in the advanced section. You’ve answered my question 👍🏻
  14. So the game will generate new players even if a league isn’t loaded? Will these players normally be at playable leagues or will they still be based in their home country?
  15. If I set a league to view only will they still get newgens or just play with greyed out players? is there any benefit to loading a league as view only or am I just better making it playable?
  16. Does anyone know what file needs to be amended for number 1? - i can handle 2 as its just cosmetic but number 1 is bugging me lol
  17. Couple of bugs, if anyone knows how to fix them please let me know 1) When you click the 'Analysis' button on the tactics screen the faces and kit don't hide so it's hard to see the information... 2) When clicking on a player that is on loan at another club - the badge next to their name stays as the parent club and the kits shown is the loan club on the left but the parent club on the right...
  18. This is the part i wanted to amend - so it highlights the current player that you have viewed, so at a glance i can see where he sits in the list?
  19. What do I need to do to highlight (by default) the selected player in the player overview view under the squad comparison? it’s just easier to see at a glance where they sit in the list of players…
  20. I'll take a look this morning and see if i can see anything. To change the font of the other panels though, did you just remove that bit of code or did you also delete the fonts folder?
  21. Did you ever find out? Also do you need to remove/replace the fonts folder or will deleting it be enough?
  22. When on a player overview screen, if they’re wanted - is there any way to hover over the icon to see who the clubs are and also click it to view?
  23. Yeah I did the same 😄 if anyone knows please share 👍🏻
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