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  1. I would need @JBZ to confirm whether the files he posted were fully updated since I only fixed the Liechtenstein Cup, but in my 2 test seasons I couldn't notice any problems. And you need both files to get the cup working.
  2. Managed to get the Liechtenstein Cup running by changing the rules to work with your file and also adding them to the main Swiss file, so that when both files are added the cup should work without problems. swi_lie_cup_fixed.fmf Swiss OFV FM24.3 Liec Fix.fmf
  3. DO NOT USE THIS FILE IN FURTHER SAVE GAMES! It seems like unlike last year, just keeping the old rules also reverts the qualifying spots, which seems to cause the issues some have pointed out. In addition, I haven't been able to create a working file for 24.3., since the Europa League and Conference League would break past 2026. If anyone wants to try their luck, feel free to use my files as a jumping off point, I sadly don't have the time for that No_2024_format_V1.fmf No_2024_format_away_goals_V1.fmf No_2024_format_V2.fm No_2024_format_away_goals_V2.fmf
  4. I uploaded the updated file for FM24 an hour ago, you can simply use that (and once the workshop works I'll upload it there too)
  5. Database Easier mass editing for second nationalities, home-grown status, reserve teams, regional divisions, etc.. Creating new currencies, would be great for projects like the Iron Curtain or Yugoslavia Files. Editing the stadium sides, it is already possible to do this when editing the comp editor file. Being able to create monthly awards and awards for goals without workarounds. (i.e. having to copy an existing award) Rules editing The ability to choose rules (through requirements - valid rules) depending on whether a competition host is from a certain continent. It's already possible to choose them depending on the number of hosts, and this would make editing qualifiers a lot easier. (If this is already possible, please someone enlighten me, I feel like I'm going crazy editing/creating the new World Cup Qualifiers) Being easily able to create a western & eastern region for continental competitions and especially their coefficients like in Asia. The ability to disable hardcoded stuff, like the World Cup, Champions League or similar competitions have. (also, it would be nice to have some of the hardcoded things as options in the editor, just like the two other things above this) Fixing (?) host nations. Fixing some draw rules that aren't working. Edit: another great thing would be the ability to implement a fixed draw like in the Asian Cup and European Championship for when a Third/Second Placed Teams table is used
  6. While you're right, there is no reason for it to not do that, in all my testing this never happened. Still, you raise a good point and I'll add the invalid groups for seeding rule (for seeding 1 and group 0), this way there shouldn't be any way for this to happen.
  7. Oh, that's an interesting method as well, but I actually used the max number of teams in overall list flag instead of the basic max number, so they should be maxed out at 11 (or in case of 2026 at 9).
  8. Here you go. I filled out teams, since I couldn't think of any other way to create the new pots and to solve the problems of host countries groups being messed up. I found this method by rusty to be the most useful for that. I haven't run a test over several World Cups so far, but I didn't notice any problems with the 2026 WC when I tested it. V1_FIFA_WC.fmf
  9. Maybe a bit late, but I think I found a solution to the hard-coded seeding. It appears that the hard-coding only depends on the stage number, so when I added two hidden stages as stage 0 & 1, I was able to change the seeding without any problems.
  10. Update to V3.1 - Removed the Icelandic temporary fix
  11. Yes, to solve this I removed these changes (the deleted reserve teams) in the original database, deleted the reserve teams in a separate one and then merged the remaining original database. To delete them, as MRC pointed out, it's necessary that every team you're mass editing has the same type of reserve team. Depending on the nation you're editing you can select every club in the nation, add a reserve team and then clear the reserve team list. This only works though if none of the clubs you're editing already has two reserve teams, since then it doesn't seem to work, else you'll have to do it as MRC said:
  12. I never had that problem afterwards, so yeah, for my file this worked long term
  13. Update to V3 - Updated to work with the 23.4 update - Until SI fixes the Icelandic Cup, the Icelandic Second Division is filled up with an additional team from below
  14. Update to V2 - Updated to work with the 23.3 update - Files now work with any Dutch file without the need for an additional file - Awards now work in every file
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