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  1. New update hasn't fixed the stuttering/fps drops in menu and in match engine.
  2. I can't find the resolution scaling slider that people are talking about in preferences. I have put all the key words in the preferences search but it doesn't come up with it. EDIT: This is called "Render Scaling" FYI.
  3. If you look at the pass map during the game, the way it's worded makes it seem like the game has ended. Makes sense as it was only accessible after the game finished in the data hub last year?
  4. You don't need to keep pressing re-start it will download when it can
  5. Okay.. so how on earth do any game companies make any money on games with a higher minimum spec than a 2003 dual core?
  6. You could easily buy an old office pc with a quad core for about £200 and buy a £50 graphics card to slot in to play all the FM's fine.
  7. By that logic games should never have evolved past text-based games because people couldn't afford newer gen computers
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