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Everything posted by affe1802

  1. In FM graphics folder each .png has the club name. Example Rostocker FC.png in the config.xml <record from="Rostocker FC" to="graphics/pictures/club/879663/logo"/> Why can't FMXML or other app open an .fmf or .xml? And then search for the Club name and the associated ID in this database? The advantages. save a huge amount of time. To search for ID and enter the ID for .png's Searching for Club name in the Graphics folder no searching for wrong ID's Searching with Competition name Person Name Kit Club name Disadvantages Is there an ID with incorrect ID's in it, if the FM dosen't find a suitable png Searching for the wrong ID in the folder becomes a problem. Open FM or FM pre Game Editor Conclusion the Advantages outweigh
  2. Here is picture from RSV Eintracht 1949
  3. Who just plays the game? But would like to have the B youth U17, U17 II. U16, U16 II? Since there arent´t that many creators of databases, I'm asking the question here because there are only a few in the right thread. If you want to have these team types in the game, you should vote here.
  4. If you have created a database and wan to see wether the settings work as intended (planned). Until now you always have to start a time-consuming test game. Which is very annoying! There should be a function in the game when you start the test with the result you want. Example Founding of Reserve Youth in game Founded team II starts in League X and in a few minutes the result should show whether the founded team II starts in League X or in League Y. If the destination is different, an info text about where the error could be.
  5. look here German website https://www.meistertrainerforum.de/index.php/topic,29692.0.html
  6. I´m currently in process of dividing the pyramid into district football associations for which clubs are in the NOFV, research for Saison 24/25, 23/24, 22/23, 21/22 Oberliga NOFV St.Nord : Teams from Mecklenburg- Vorpommern, Berlin, Brandenburg. may be Sachsen-Anhalt Oberliga NOFV St. Süd : Teams from Sachsen, Thüringen, Sachsen-Anhalt. may be Brandenburg im research for lower leagues level 7 level 8 level 9 level 10 level 11 and maybe more if some district football associations lower Levels as 11. With Youth all leagues U19 and U17 because some teams have no U19.
  7. I only have pictures of how I managed the U17 and U17 B. And then advise you to work carefully with 3 folders like comp editor
  8. To have the U17, U17 B or even U16, U16 B Vote here And maybe leave your comment!!!
  9. I spent a lot of time to testing things that were missing in the pregame editor. Because! I spent a lot of time researching and noticed that some clubs don't have U19, but only U17, U17 B and U16 and lower. Since the highest for subordinates in division levels was 50, I increased this number because I exceeded this limit of 50. The solution was to change the limit from 50 to 500 or even more. To change things you need the resource archiver If you are new and have never worked with the resource archiver before, have no idea then take a look here. 1. In order to make changes such as increasing the limit of subordinated competitions in nation, you must first unpack the comp editor.fmf with the resource archiver 2. You now have the comp editor folder. Now you could make a few changes. But I recommend that you to create 3 new folders and rename one in comp editor Backup (or Original) one in comp editor test the other in comp editor works Now copy the "comp editor" and paste it 3 times one in comp editor Backup, one in comp editor test and in comp editor works. so you have now 3 folders one comp editor backup, second may be comp editor test and third comp editor works Now work in the comp editor test / comp editor folder. If few changes are works copy this to the comp editor works/ comp editor/ file path and replace this .xml files . To increase the limit in Nation/ Division Levels go to comp editor test / comp editor/format/rule group/advanced/nation.xml search for number of child comps and change the <integer id="max_value" value="50" /> to 500 or may be more For Reserve Teams To Create in club reserve teams you can change the limit 3 to what you need go to comp editor test / comp editor/format/database/club.xml search for Reserve teams (to create) and change the <integer id="maximum_items" value="3" /> in what you need For already created is the maximum_items 3 changes 6 or may be more leads to errors. For Team Type U17 can be find in / comp editor/format/database/person.xml search for U17 translation_id="470512" type="use" value="U17 Team " this translation_id can be used in enums.xml Comp type Team type are located in enums.xml go to comp editor test / comp editor/format/rule group/enums.xml search for rstm this is for reserve team and tmty this is for team type <record enum="12"> Change"12" to "29" this enum="29" works with U17 and translation_id="470512" or for U16 and translation_id="470513" translation_id="292973" change this"292973" to "470513" this for U16 Without translation_id don't works the translation in other languages It took some time to find the right 29 number because every changed number had to use the resource archiver again and to close the pregame editor and start it again.
  10. If you buy the Football Manager game you get 2 useful apps: one FM Editor (pregame) and one resource archiver You can find these in Steam under the Tool list section. 1. Now open the resource archiver So sorry, my mother language is German. 2. the search archive ( Archiv durchsuchen ) only shows the folder structure and the files that are there. 3. the Unzip archive (Archive entpacken) Unpacking archive now opens the data folder 4. Now let's select the graphics folder for a test, these folder is located in the game folder click on load (Laden) Now we can create a folder where the graphics folder will be saved, or we can choose an already existing folder. 5. Now we could change something, add png´s and edit the config.xml with club name and the clubs id or insert new png´s for clubs 6. In order to implement the changes for the game or the pregame editor, we now have to save this in the comp editor.fmf. For this we use the resource archiver again. Here we click on create archive (Archive erstellen). Now we select the previously changed Graphics folder. 7. Now we select the Graphics folder in the game folder in and replace it with the changed Graphics folder. 8. Now there is a warning that this file already exists. By clicking on yes ( Ja ) we confirm this. For the changes to be applied. 9. The changes have now been applied The Resource Archiver is a useful tool. You can unzip things like comp editor, graphics and other things and look at the .xml files with a text editor.
  11. If one or more clubs share a playing group II or even youth team, it should be possible to end their work together and form their own team II or youth team. And should the gaming community that existed be withdrawn from gaming operations? Exmaple Bützower SV II/Lalendorf II Bützower SV and Lalendorf are ending their collaboration and Bützower SV II/Lalendorf II will no longer be registered for play next season. But Bützower SV is registering its own Bützwoer SV II to play in the league next season.
  12. Vote if you want more team types for next version in pregame editor.Here the link This enum_id 29 is in the enums.xml <record id="rstm"> (reserve teams section) and <record id="tmty"> (team type section)
  13. Vote if you want more team types for next version in pregame editor
  14. Thumps up this was my Idea. <record enum="u17" enum_id="29"> <translation id="name" type="use" value="U17s[COMMENT: Competition editor; reserve teams type]" /> </record> But U17 II is better to have and to old....
  15. Hello I tried to add the local region to the comp.xml. In the editor at competitions, search for region works but successfully selection a region fails. I've already looked for what could be the problem, but unfortunately I couldn't find anything. Added comp.xml and comp ui.xml comp.xml comp ui.xml so I copied the comp editor folder 2 times one of then renamed comp editor test for tests, one of then renamed with comp editor works and the other with comp editor original these comp editor original is my backup
  16. Since FM20 it has been possible to found a B Team in the game! Now a question for the SI Team. Is it even possible for the founded B Team to promoted from an inactive subordinated league to the correct lower active subordinated league? I've already done a few Month's with the Pre Game Editor and a few Day's to test this database in the game. Explain: German League Structure Database test game with SG Dynamo Dresden, Football Federation Sachsen 0 Bundesliga 1 2. Bundesliga 3 3. Lga 4 Regionalliga (Parent Competition) 5 Subordinated Leagues (Regionalliga Nordost 6 local Regions one of than is Local Region Sachsen 5 Oberliga (Parent Competition) 14 Subordinated Leagues (Oberliga Nordost Staffel Süd (Local Region Sachsen) 1 of 4 local region 6 Landes/Verbandsliga (Parent Competition) 37 Subordinated Leagues Inactive Active Created SG Dynamo Dresden II starts in Landes/Verbandsliga and Promoted to Schleswig-Holstein-Liga last season from this promoted to Regionalliga Nord. But SG Dynamo Dresden II should be promoted to current Oberliga Nordost Staffel Süd and from these to Regionalliga Nordost. I test it with other Clubs and all Founded B Team Promoted like SG Dynamo Dresden II in Schleswig-Holstein-Liga last season from this promoted to Regionalliga Nord. This is from reserves.xml <!-- reserve team rules--> <record> <flags id="field" value="b_club_types" /> <translation id="name" translation_id="494084" type="use" value="Type of B Club[COMMENT: AREA: Editor; SUB-AREA: Reserve Teams; FR-BN: n/a; TONE: Informal; CHARLIMIT: None; NOTE: advanced editor competition rules, setting up the reserve team type for a team that can be created in game if the user ask the board to, FR 12059 and 22568]" /> <flags id="type" value="enum" /> <translation id="name" translation_id="494085" type="use" value="What B Club type should be created for clubs in this nation?[COMMENT: AREA: Editor; SUB-AREA: Reserve Teams; FR-BN: n/a; TONE: Informal; CHARLIMIT: None; NOTE: advanced editor competition rules, setting up required reserve league details for a competition]" /> <boolean id="is_optional" value="true" /> <list id="enum_values"> <record enum="create_b_clubs" enum_id="1"> <translation id="name" translation_id="494086" type="use" value="B Clubs[COMMENT: AREA: Editor; SUB-AREA: Reserve team rules; BN: 8754; TONE: Formal; CHARLIMIT: None; NOTE: What type of B Club are we setting up?]" /> </record> <record enum="create_II_clubs" enum_id="2"> <translation id="name" translation_id="494087" type="use" value="II Clubs[COMMENT: AREA: Editor; SUB-AREA: Reserve team rules; BN: 8754; TONE: Formal; CHARLIMIT: None; NOTE: What type of B Club are we setting up?]" /> </record> <record enum="create_2_clubs" enum_id="4"> <translation id="name" translation_id="494088" type="use" value="2 Clubs[COMMENT: AREA: Editor; SUB-AREA: Reserve team rules; BN: 8754; TONE: Formal; CHARLIMIT: None; NOTE: What type of B Club are we setting up?]" /> </record> </list> </record> <!-- reserve leagues --> <record> <flags id="field" value="reserve_leagues_with_non_optional_reserves" /> <translation id="name" translation_id="396335" type="use" value="Leagues With Non-Optional Reserve Teams[COMMENT: advanced editor competition rules]" /> <flags id="type" value="database_record_list" /> <boolean id="is_optional" value="true" /> <flags id="database_table_type" value="competition" /> <record id="display_fields"> <flags id="fields" value="cmrs" /> </record> </record> <!-- reserve leagues --> <record> <flags id="field" value="reserve_leagues" /> <translation id="name" translation_id="344708" type="use" value="Reserve Leagues[COMMENT: advanced editor competition rules, setting up required reserve league details for a competition]" /> <flags id="type" value="list" /> <boolean id="is_section" value="true" /> <boolean id="is_optional" value="true" /> <record id="list_item"> <boolean id="is_section" value="true" /> <list id="name"> <record> <string id="name" value="[%string#list_item_index] - [%string#rsid]" /> <list id="dependencies"> <record field="rsid" exists="true" /> </list> </record> <record> <string id="name" value="[%string#list_item_index] - [%string#reserve_teams] [%string#type]" /> <list id="dependencies"> <record field="rsid" exists="false" /> </list> </record> </list> <list id="fields"> <!-- reserve teams--> <record> <flags id="field" value="reserve_teams" /> <translation id="name" translation_id="229362" type="use" value="Teams" /> <flags id="type" value="enum" /> <translation id="hint" translation_id="345583" type="use" value="What teams should this reserve league use?[COMMENT: advanced editor competition rules, setting up required reserve league details for a competition]" /> <flags id="enum_values" value="rsty" /> </record>
  17. Idee zu diesen Thema. - Trainer sollte auch Gespräche mit dem Geschäftsführer, Besitzer, Sportdirektor und mit dem Vorstand führen können. - Wenn die Erwartungen der Saisonziele erfüllt werden oder Übertroffen werden. Gespräche zu den Nächsten Saisonzielen (5 Jahresplan , 10 Jahresplan) -Wir sollten für die nächsten Jahre keine langfristigen Sponsoren Verträge abschließen Maximal länge 2 Jahre Besser 1 Jahres Verträge -Wenn Erwartungen nicht mit den Sponsoren Verträgen übereinstimmen mit dem Geschäftsführer Gespräch führen über Länge der Laufzeit über höhe Der Einnahmen. -zu niedrig zu lang Enttäuschung über die Sponsoren Verträgen zeigen. -bei Unverständnis der Geschäftsführung Gespräch mit dem Vorstand und oder Besitzer führen. Und mit diesen dann über die Entlassung der Verantwortlichen sprechen. Falls Besitzer Vorstand nicht übereinstimmt Möglichkeit sofortige Kündigung androhen bei Persönlicher guter Leistung(en) , Trainer bekommt recht Verantwortliche werden entlassen, Und wenn in einer Frist von innerhalb 2 Wochen auch mit den Sponsoren die Verträge überarbeiten oder aufkündigen. - Gespräch mit der Geschäftsführung vor den möglichen Sponsoren Verträgen führen über mögliche länge und höhe der einnahmen Erwartungen. - Geschäftsführung stimmt zu, Geschäftsführung stimmt nicht zu folglich Gespräch mit Vorstand und Besitzer suchen. - Gespräch mit allen Parteien am Tisch führen. mögliche ziele eigene Idee zu Saisonziele 5 Jahresplan verein zu Ausbildungsverein machen auch wenn zum bespiel die Bundesliga gewonnen wurde weiter an den 5 Jahresplan halten. - Saisonziele 5 Jahresplan ändern (Erwartungen Frühestens nach 3 Saisons andern) -Vertragsarten für Spieler die Vereinsmitgliedschaft hinzufügen
  18. Hello I tried to block B and C team from qualification for cup. So I wrote in cup fate action.xml these <!-- team type for qualifying teams to other comps--> <record> <flags id="field" value="reserve_type_1" /> <translation id="name" translation_id="292965" type="use" value="Team Type" /> <flags id="type" value="enum" /> <flags id="enum_values" value="tmty" /> <boolean id="is_optional" value="true" /> </record> after resource archiver I start the editor and choose "B Team" and qualification type "Don't Add To Qualified Teams" same for "C Team " So i test the database and start the game ( I cross my fingers ) and look for the these Cup clicked on final from this cup and see these I know in the DFB-Pokal and all German Landesverbandspokale can't play B Team and C Team but these is a test for lower cups than Landesverbandspokale (Kreisverbandspokale) But First Team (type) winning a Kreisfussballverbandspokal (in these cup playing First and Reserve Teams like B, C, D) and qualifying to Landesfussballverbandspokal (here are just First Team allowed to Play) So I thought because the "Don't Add To Qualified Teams" function was already there, I would refer to the team type. But these was not successfully. The plan is that the Team II and Team III all teams shows in the list that can't qualifying for these cup like the test DFB-Pokal. I know that it's possible because everything is available for it, but unfortunately I didn't have the idea yet
  19. hello if you want to have the logo of the club an kit in game and editor follow this guide a solution for folder structure like ger/Sachsen/SF Dresden/ and here png's is also there
  20. Adjust folder structure according to region or football association for .png in the config.xml, such as club logos simply explained!!!! Since in Germany there are several lower regions (football associations) in one region (football association), I wanted to adapt the folder structure and add it to the config.xml, that's the easy way. in config.xml ger/ for example Hansa Rostock local region Mecklenburg Vorpommern subordinated Football Association is KFV Warnow (short name) you see 5 clubs png' s in the kfv warnow folder and a config.xml in this config.xml I rename the hansa rostock.png for example and the logo is not appeared the other 4 png's Logos displayed for example FSV Kühlungsborn Description. To do this, I replaced hansa rostock with the path of the folder (from) and the path (to) with the ID of the folder name where the png's are this line. <record from="ger/hansa rostock" to="graphics/pictures/club/928/logo"/> to this <record from="ger/mecklenburg vorpommern/kfv warnow/" to="kfv warnow/"/> path to folder in the config.xml for all countries folder this line is for all clubs from KFV Warnow ( football association) in this folder we need a config.xml with the club name.png and the path/id <record from="hansa rostock" to="graphics/pictures/club/928/logo"/> this was it succeed!!
  21. If you have already created a database with multiple league levels then create a new league (maybe Parent) Step (11) in List you can "Add, insert a new rule or you duplicate a league and change the Level if duplicate a league (maybe a Parent) change maybe Child Competitions So that all clubs B teams also play in the right league, you still have to adjust this .... Child Competition Region Limits Step (12) Competitions (nation) and change the Jupiler Pro League to the new league.
  22. Solution for Custom Database that created B team in game can be promoted to playable league. For all FM Versions since FM20!!! How to successfully create it! step by step: FM Editor start Step (1) add your Nation Step (2) nation rules in Basic rules Step (3) choose "Add Lower Division And Cups To Existing Structure" then choose your Nation Step (4) now should it look like this Step (5) a now we change from inactive to league, if in your file are a Parent competition. Step (6) Adjust the promotion places of the lower leagues. So that they match the relegation places in the league above Now we Convert To Advanced Rules Step (7) and now it looks like this Step (8) And now the step that is necessary so that your founded B team can also advance to the next highest playable league in the game. we remove in Division Levels the level 3 (German Regional Division) now it looks like this Step (9) Nation Competitions Step (10) Now save the file and test the rules start the game and change the Reputation points of your B team.
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