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Everything posted by callamity

  1. They didnt release the game yet, the actual game comes out in November, if it isnt fixed by then complain about it, sure. But This is BETA, this is where bugs are supposed to be found, if you dont want to play BETA, test it and report bugs dont.
  2. Long term saves need tested too, or the development issue would have never been found.
  3. No the trap isnt set inside. Passing lanes are blocked inside, funneling the play outside and trapping the opposition outside.
  4. Im in the discord, and all he did was relay Epic's epic leak, nothing more, no confirmation on his part at all
  5. Dw hes always wrong, his names not even Tom he just changed it cos his name, his real, name, is, today, is the day.
  6. I wouldnt say he confirmed it, more like relayed the leak from Epic... so the fault is not his 😉
  7. Rushing to greggs for his steak bake and coffee after pressing the send it to Sega button
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