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League History not recording in season with playoff


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Ok, so on my custom file, I have created Czech leagues down to tier 4, with division numbers changing for season #2

To make this work, I've had to run a playoff at tier 4. for both promotion, and relegation.  This playoff is for only 3 of the 5 Child competitions

Now it all works in terms of teams going up, and down, however competition winner is not recorded, nor is league stats recorded into the history of any team taking part in the 3 child competitions that have the playoffs

Every other competition (inc. the 2 child comps of tier 4. not leading to any playoffs) work fine in regards to history, it's just these 3


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I have same issue - history is added for 2 years, then its not for 3 years and again it is.




Also on teams history that 3 years is empty. under competition its added parent competition without any records





Will try few options but something is not ok here



EDIT: All my leagues of level 5 lost names







???? Any idea or this should go to bugs forum right now ????

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On 1/4/2017 at 12:38, DeadZone said:

Ok, so on my custom file, I have created Czech leagues down to tier 4, with division numbers changing for season #2

To make this work, I've had to run a playoff at tier 4. for both promotion, and relegation.  This playoff is for only 3 of the 5 Child competitions

Now it all works in terms of teams going up, and down, however competition winner is not recorded, nor is league stats recorded into the history of any team taking part in the 3 child competitions that have the playoffs

Every other competition (inc. the 2 child comps of tier 4. not leading to any playoffs) work fine in regards to history, it's just these 3


FMF is attached



Now it works


Quarta Divisione A Ceca_ Storia Albo d'oro.png

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Yeah im sure playoffs are problem here. My whole system is based on playoffs (hidden stages for dynamic relegation) and only way i can force game to record history is with option on competition section - "league finished actions".

I will take a look but this is obviously some bug - its not first time we have issues with history :thup:

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24 minutes ago, krlenjushka said:

Whats problem with your cups?

I have issues only with leagues


with the leagues only the leagues with second phase, have the problem of wrong champion


with that 3 cups its complicated, because 2 cups are with groups + eliminations

and 1 cup with this problem is only eliminations but for some reason dont register the winner

FMPT Portugal Completo v1_509DA6B5-C46C-45D2-8622-21CFFF12350C.fmf

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8 minutes ago, krlenjushka said:

For that cup with groups - try to set rankings but i think this is bug on this version of FM. Its not first time.

Cup with eleiminations only should record history without any issues





i think is because of this

You dont need this for cups. Just set minimum/maximum number of teams in stage general settings and set rounds for maximum number of teams. If you have less teams that max number rounds will adapt to new number

the only competition done this way is the one with error in winner

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14 minutes ago, TH3 K1LL3R said:




i think is because of this

the only competition done this way is the one with error in winner

No i have county cups with dynamic number of teams (only teams from leagues level 2 and lower) and number is different in 2 years but history is ok

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