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Player roles - help

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Hey guys,

Just wondering, I've developed a tactic, gone into detail setting up player roles for each position for my squad. (433).

I now want to use the majority of the roles to develop a 442, I know it was possible in fm14, how do I do it in fm15?

For example - I'm using Man Utd, I want Rafael to play as CWB in all my tactics, however if I put Phil Jones in, I want him to automatically be limited full back in all my tactics eg 433 & 442. I know I could set them up in each tactic. I'm just hoping there's a way to save doing that.

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Tactics screen - highlight tactical setup - player tab - click on the position in question - add player(s) - choose individual roles, duties and player instructions for as many players in that position as you want. You will have to do this for each of your tactical setups though, there is no other way you can have a specific role/duty/instruction "follow" a player around, so to speak. But at least, by pre-setting it this way you won't have to do it each time you switch tactical setups, and when you put Jones in the right back position instead of Rafael he will automatically get his individual pre-set role, duty and instructions.

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