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Scouting Knowledge

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So I'm trying to get the Steam achievement where I need 75% scoting knowledge for my club, anyone got any tips on how to increase? So far I have hired 10 scouts and assigned each to one specific region (roaming) I assume through time then my knowledge of this area will increase. But would love it if someone could clarify.

Many thanks.

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I think your scouts gain knowledge when they are specifically assigned to a country (versus region). I noticed my scouts scattered over various regions weren't picking up knowledge of the invidiual countries they were traipsing through- so I began assigning them to those same countries and now they are actually reflecting the knowledge of the country.

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I have noticed that when I assign them to regions say South American that the Brazil bar will fill up to 100% but when the scout moves to the next area this start to deplete, unstandable since he is not in that zone.. I wish I had enough scouts for each country but that just wouldn't be fesiable.

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I've got to 56% after a season and a quarter. My method is to eventually have twenty scouts, one for each region. Each scout will be born in the region that they are scouting, thus already have a high scouting knowledge of at least one if not more areas.

It can be very time consuming to find scouts for some regions, but I think it is worth it. I'm not to fussed about there JCA and JPA as I have a twenty first 'head' scout with 20/20 to have the final say.

Another good tip is to search for 30+ year old players in the region your after. Inside their Personal Information the Long Term Plans will tell you if they are interested in becoming a scout. If so, sign them up and use Interaction to, persuade them to become a scout.

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