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Changing 1-11 player numbers

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This may sound really silly but can you change the squad numbers of your team when the league has a no squad number rule for example in friendlies. I want my team's numbers to be set out in a particular way. I've changed around the players and shirts on the tactics screen but the numbers haven't kept.

For example I have 3 and 4 as centre backs but I want 5 and 6 and 3 at left back etc..

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As I understand it you have to move the players around to get them to switch numbers, making sure not to just swap them but to move them "freecell-style" through empty spaces on the pitch. Personally I'd like an option under preferences or staff responsibilities where you could choose to set them yourself. I don't mind my right-back wearing number 9 but I'd like to be the one making that choice.

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  • 1 year later...

I've moved mine "freecell-style" so that it looks like this:

                      8      9

               11     10      7


             3     6     5      2

but when I go to the match it defaults to:

                  10      9

           7          8          11


         3       5        4       2

So far I have played 6 games this season in a league that doesn't use squad numbers and have manually changed it before every game but it still

defaults back.    SOOOOOO annoying!

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