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[FM2016] KEE - Korea Enhanced And Expanded

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This file now it's in it's third iteration expands the Korean league to include football beyond the professional K-League adding the semi-pro National League and the amateur K3 League (the 4th tier name suggests it's the third tier, don't ask) plus also the university and high school systems (much like the US these are heavily connected to the professional game) but as secondary divsions (for reasons I will detail upon full release). Various cups associated with these levels are also implimented including a re-built FA Cup.

Asides from the structure data in the lower leagues (and the K-League as well) has been updated (alot of data at this level is 4 or 5 years out of date) whether that be clubs, players etc. Competition/league histories have also been updated both competitions new and old dating all the way back to the late 1920's.

V1.0 here

Known issues

.The K3 league in reality has an inter league stage, this isn't possible in basic editor so teams play teams in their group three times

.The national sports festival takes all tier 3 & 4 teams. In reality it's auto qualifiers (teams who are only team in their region) plus winners of regional qualifiers. When trying to set it up this way the game ignores the regional winners and only takes the auto qualifiers hence the comprimise.

.Additonaly irl it takes place over a week long period at a single venue or single city but the basic editor can't allow for this so the competion is set to take place at the end of the season with some rounds being played at neutral venues

.The National League Cup irl takes place over a short period in Yanggu. This isn't possible in basic editor so the duration of group stage is stretched with final taking place in Yanggu.

.The R-League is added as regular league rather than reserve one. Again down to using the basic editor

.U-League teams still missing stadia. This is being researched currently

.K3 teams have no real players (par a few). Still doing research into this

.Some players at clubs irl may not be set as such in game. This is due to names coming out slightly different when translated or having variances of spelling

.Players/staff at clubs with Zero PA have been set with blanket values which were based upon the minimums of players with PA set in game who have clubs. This method helps avoid having many National League teams be filld with 0/0 players who are thus useless.

.There seems to be cases of free agents with duplicate enteries. These players tend to have no PA set so should cause no issues but I will attempt to clear up the player db (which has accumlated alot of bloat in game DB)

.Inclusion of the high school system was scrapped. This is due to the sheer volume of teams (180-ish with only 30 or so in db) and number of competitions that take place. The inclusion imo wouldn't add much to the game.

.Many K3 leagues are missing their managers. This is due to lack of information except for a name but teams fill up fast enough as the database has enough free agent managers.

.Attendances in the lower levels are still being tweaked

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