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Question About Tigher Marking When Selected As Both A Team And Player Instruction

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Hello everyone,

Was looking for some clarification if that's ok.

If I select "Use Tigher Marking" in the Team Instructions settings and then proceed to also select "Mark Tighter" for a specific position in the Player Instructions settings, will this have a "layering" or "stacking" effect by asking the player to mark even tighter than requested by the original Team Instruction?

Thank you.

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Theoretically yes. All things "stack" in the TC, so there should be the same effect in this circumstance too.

Thank you Sir. Appreciate the response.

I had previously thought otherwise as I believed tight marking was more of a yes/no instruction but tested it in-game (was never 100% certain on this so I experimented by adding the PI to both DC's and my DM) to find, to my shock, a meaningful difference. I wasn't sure if I was seeing things or whether it was a one-off, influenced by the quality or tactics of the opposition, so thought I'd seek additional clarification from the good people of this forum.

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Well, it's theory, as RT pointed out. Or rather, a hypothesis. Based on the notion that a lot of the other TI's/PI's seemingly work in a cummulative manner. I'm not 100% certain that it does with tight marking though - and neither is RT presumably, or he wouldn't have worded his reply as he did. I find it very difficult to tell for sure just by looking at matches; I can tell the difference between having the tight marking TI on or off, but the difference between tight marking TI and tight marking TI + tight marking PI? Nah, not really. But it can be even if can't see it, of course. I can't tell the difference between the roaming TI and roaming TI + roaming PI either. Which leads me to think that not all PI's/TI's are indeed cummulative.

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My understanding is this. Roaming as a TI increases the number of players allowed to roam (which mostly means increased lateral movement), which ones are given that setting is set by the specific roles and formation. What the PI roaming does is ensure, regardless of the role given, that this player roles. So the PI roaming only has a real effect to counterbalance an otherwise restrictive roaming tactic. If you are on attacking (which has lots of roaming) or Control with roam TI, your attacking midfielder is going to roam whether you set the PI or not.

Anyway that's how I think it works, at least for balanced, fluid and very fluid mentalities. Rigid and very rigid may require the PI because the position will dictate more of their play.

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This is a good question but I'm not sure it works in a cumulative way, more probably they (the coders) forgot to "grey out" that particular option in the players instruction tab when you have already selected "mark tighter" as a TI.

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It may stack, but I am with Thomit in that I believe it to be a binary on/off type thing rather than a stack. Either you are marking tightly or not is how I see it. We may never know for sure, but in that it probably has no ill effect, if in doubt, stack 'em up :D

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