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Players unhappy with workload - Help needed

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Hi guys, I will apologise in advance, I know this will have been asked numerous times but after several searches I can't find what exactly I'm looking for, so I'm coming to you for help....

I am in my second season of my game (Chelsea, pre-season) and I currently have 31 players unhappy with their training workload. It appears that pretty much the entire U18's squad is unhappy. The 1st team & U21's are fine, no issues but practically everyone in the U18's are kicking up a fuss.

This had been going on for a while and they had a heavy workload so I tweaked it to medium, they have now went from saying they're "Unhappy with the high workload" to simply "Unhappy with training schedule". I now don't know why they're unhappy at all!

Each player has an area of focus and that is set to average intensity. The general team training is also set to average intensity, and the match training is about 85% along the slider to the right, so is set to quite a bit less match training. Giving an overall workload level of "medium" for all of the players.

I have tried temporarily shifting the responsibilities to the AI but they can't seemingly handle it either as this has been going on for a few weeks now. If they don't tell me why they are unhappy I don't know how to put it right.

Would very much appreciate some advice/feedback at all - Happy to provide screenshots etc if required just let me know.


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Personally I don't think it really matters. I just ignore them and keep it as it is, I haven't noticed it making any difference to how they perform or develop.

I gie my players specific training for a reason as I am sure you do so they just have to put up with it till they become the boss lol

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I don't think changes to training will be reflected until the new training week starts, Sunday I think. I've had the Under 19 problem before.

Remove the individual focus from each player except position changes. Change the setting so the Under 19 manager controls general and match training. When the new training week starts the players will generally all be happy. Once the Unders manager has done his preseason schedule, he will set the general training to low and match prep to around 20%, now you can give the players there individual training, I ususally do heavy. I leave the Unders manager doing general and match prep.

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