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261 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"



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    Caribbean Head Researcher

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    De Graafschap

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  1. Anyone know the Portugese reset date this year?
  2. And now when I go to play my game, it crashes February 13th... 6 tests, no crashes at all, when I want to play, repeatable crash when the first round of NACL games are played. I am upset. But another test from scratch with no changes to the files gets past February 13th...
  3. @Jorgen@dillonbarrett1997@LeB8@XaW@themodelcitizen@WhiteCat33@ChicoPolska New version out! By completely remaking the region (learnt some new tricks) the league reputations now seem to change!!
  4. Oh sorry I meant the continental cups. If you send me the file I might be able to help, typically that error is about the qualification rules. Check that the next stage number/main name is correct, and check that the "teams" for the playoff rounds are correctly entered (it's easy to put in the information incorrect, you need the name that they qualified for (e.g. quarter final) and then the stage you are looking for (e.g. "1").
  5. I am nearly done remaking all the concacaf ones to fix bugs...
  6. In the words of wise poet Zealand, Loans! If you can. Having a senior affiliate also helps in that regard. You'll only every get free transfers, so just mass-trialling any free transfer who might play for you is a good strategy- don't forget if you click the cog in the player scouting area you can set it to include players who are "unsure". If your team is pure amateur this is good as it won't cost you much either way, and with a promise or two you can sometimes punch above your weight. Sometimes the best strategy is patience. Ask for junior coaching all the time - it's relatively cheap and can significantly raise the CA of your youth prospects, meaning you can get 1 or two players straight into your first team. Finally, there tends to be a meta tactic. Knapp has a tactics thread with OP tactics of you lose your patience but generally a standard 4 4 2 or 4 3 3 will work if you're a bit attacking.
  7. Back to 2 years behind, except randomly it's one year...
  8. No clue, I have somehow made it worse - it now regularly skips every other year and 2024-2025 don't happen as games are scheduled for 2026 in 2024? Typically this is caused by a competition not finishing in time or some error in setup dates...
  9. Spent hours today on and off, haven't found a way to fix it...
  10. Just mine, it's apparent when 2023 and 2024 have the same entrants. This could be a consequence of me separating the Caribbean Cup into a separate file instead of having them together... I'll fix it tomorrow if I get a chance.
  11. Infuriatingly, this is now reproducing in my tests...
  12. All this done for next update, except foreign player rules (BFA website went down today so couldn't check, but I set it to regulations) and away goals (still a rule AFAIK). The skipping a year took an hour to figure out - it needed an update day set to the same as the nation (I previously set this blank, and what happens was pre-season friendlies for 2023 were set in September 2023 instead of 2022...)
  13. I'm sorry to everyone experiencing issues this year. It has been massively frustrating for me - I've done so many long term tests and that error never came up with the league not running or the other problems. The 5 subs thing is something I've learnt since and will change for whenever I get time to update.
  14. So it will only take until 2070 for my beloved Charlton to get back to the Premiership!
  15. That's strange - in my tests it all works perfectly. Does this trend start after a certain year? (Wondering if a strangely timed world cup broke it?)
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