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Installing new patch - new game question

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The thread title may be a little off, but i didn't know how to sum it all up. =)

Im just wondering about installing new patches, each time SI releases a new patch, they say it's recommended that you start a new game for it to have full effect, meaning that since the 3rd patch(usually there are 3..) comes out after the transfer-window closes in januari(late) and the patch comes out first week of february, i usually wait to start my "real" long term game until the third patch, but by then you've been playing the game for a couple of months, and you're not as excited about starting long-term games as you are in november when the game is new.. so.. now to the actuall question..

what is the diffrence in the game, if i update the game and continue my save game, compared to starting a new game?

is the ME gonna be pre-patch? are the player stats gonna be pre-patch? and so on and so on..

what are the diffrences? =)

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The Feburary patch is only transfer updates isn't it? Even then, if your playing a long term save/LLM save, you'd be about 4/5 years (in game wise) through the game making the transfer updates useless unless you start again anyways..

I've decided IF i get the game, i will start from a LLM career and once i get bored which is usually about 2/3 months, which will be about the time the Winter transfer updates will be complete, i'll start a save with Blackburn :)

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just curious.

Si says that we only have to be online once when activating the game via (sigh...) steam. What about the updates and patch ? Will an offline patch made available or we are force to log into steam again when the times comes ?

Somebody from SI answer Please????????

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