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"Universal" IDs for created players/clubs/etc


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Right now if I create a player in the editor, the unique ID assigned to him will change in game if it's not the first file loaded. Then if you have two files with created players or clubs, one of them will have issues, specially with graphics. The problem gets bigger if you download a data pack that add players or staff into the game and comes with a facepacks.

The easiest solution I can think of it's using a universal ID that won't change when the game starts, and no matter in the order which is loaded or in which instance of the game (meaning that If I download a file with created players, those players will have the same ID). What should be thought it's how to randomize the numbers enough to ensure a big range of numbers which won't conflict if two users share files or if I download a data file. Example: I create a player which gets the unique ID 25402838960. The first five numbers (25402) are created when the game is installed and can't be edited. 838 could be a random three numbers made up when we create the player and then the last numbers are just incremental (so this player would be the 960th player I've created). The chance that another user will have a created player with the same ID is really low. Like... Almost impossible. But if by chance it happens, the game can just act as it acts now and assign a new ID in game and nothing will crash, that user would only have to update the graphic xml. As this would be a really low occurrence, it would be easier to debug or the user might never know about it.

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This is a great recommendation. I often create clubs in the editor for use in different saves. For some saves I won't use all databases. E.g. I have a database called 'MLS SF", where I created a club called San Francisco Bay FC and added them into the MLS. However, long before I created the "MLS SF" database, I had created a club called Royal Newquay 92 who play in League Two in a database called "Custom 1". When I start a game using the "MLS SF" database, I don't select the "Custom 1" database, meaning that Royal Newquay do not exist in this particular game and League Two have the correct teams. Because I have club logos and kits for all teams I create, what this means is that when I go to the San Francisco Bay FC club page in the new game, they have the logo and kits of Royal Newquay, despite me not using their database. It's very irritating. To have the IDs unique to the item created in the database (i.e. not set to the order of when they were created), this would alleviate the problem regarding custom graphics.

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