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[FM18] Position instructions box


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Hello, I kinda got tired of skin that I was using for so long, so I've decided to make my own.

I've edited most of the colors but one thing is still in that (imo) ugly green color.

I can't figure out how to change that one...I really need some help since I've been trying to figure it out for past few hours lol




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Looks like its controlled by the graphics in the following location, you'll just need to edit/replace the graphic with a different one:


If it's not present in your skin you'll need to extract it from the sitoolkit fmf file and it's then found in the sitoolkit\skins\fm-widgets\graphics\boxes\custom\tactics\comparison\background folder of where you extracted the files.

If you don't want to edit the graphic then you can edit the tactics player instructions panel overview and tactics player instructions panel overview match xml files found in the panels/tactics folder, in those files locate this line:

<container class="bordered_box" appearance="boxes/custom/tactics/comparison/background/paper">

And change the appearance bit to point to a different graphic you may also need to add a red/green/blue_replacement="XXX" bit to the end of the line depending on the graphic you redirect to to recolour your new graphic.


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Alright seems like it was an easy fix, thank you.



There's a slight issue, although it doesn't matter now that it's solved.


I'm actually editing another skin (DF11 Base Dark to be precise) and there only 4 folders inside panels. Tactics folder is completely missing.

I've checked other skins and it seems like they all have tons of folders, including tactics but this one is missing them. Also I couldn't find tactics and those 2 files when I extracted sitoolkit.

Maybe it's extracted from different file, I'm not sure. I'll be sure to check this.


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15 hours ago, (sic) said:

Alright seems like it was an easy fix, thank you.



There's a slight issue, although it doesn't matter now that it's solved.


I'm actually editing another skin (DF11 Base Dark to be precise) and there only 4 folders inside panels. Tactics folder is completely missing.

I've checked other skins and it seems like they all have tons of folders, including tactics but this one is missing them. Also I couldn't find tactics and those 2 files when I extracted sitoolkit.

Maybe it's extracted from different file, I'm not sure. I'll be sure to check this.


If you extracted the correct files you will have all default skin panels etc.

Under data\game there are several more fmf archives such as panels.fmf which will give you the panel files which you can then add to your skin under the relevant paths and proceed to edit them. You will find a tactics folder in this archive which contains the panels referenced above.

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