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[Suggestion] Automation Tools for FM Editor


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It would be really awesome if the developers provided some automation tools that allowed for editing certain fields in the FM Editor database across multiple specified records (based on whatever search criteria) at the same time (could be players, staff, clubs, competitions, nations, etc.). You could specify how you want to 'map' the edits onto the records based on certain formulas, if/then statements, etc., as well. A analogous feature would be something like what MS Excel has with if/then conditions and formulas. 

I feel like the idea is fairly intuitive, right? If not, here's a concrete example. Something I like to do this year as a challenge/twist is to change the potential abilities for notable young players (say all players under 21 with CA and World Rep above 100) from hard coded positive integers to the corresponding negative integer range e.g. 166 PA => -9 PA (150-180). The problem is that it gets quite tedious to do for a lot of players, and so it would be really helpful if I could just specify the appropriate formula to map all the specified players' positive integer CAs to the appropiate negative integer based on those easily formulated 'binning' rules.  

Anyway, i think this is fairly fleshed out as an suggestion. The tricky part is to actually implement a user-friendly GUI around what I imagine to just be SQL Queries that change records/fields in the database. 

Any other feedback and input is welcome :) I'll try to update the post with good content so it doesn't get buried (if this thread were to be so lucky). 

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