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Trying to convince Cleon to do a Live Stream or Video Series

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i think he may be getting irritated by me. But i for one would love to see his games live and it would help us all understand the game in more detail.

A lot of the live streamers out there dont really know what they are doing and dive into games without much thought, which although you can learn some things from different approaches, it isnt really analytical or thought out as much as it should be i feel.

Whilst tweeting, I am utilising a team talk with calm/cautious so not to raise pressure of a twitch performance. ;)

I am hoping that others might show an interest in seeing this to increase demand.

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If you think he is getting irritated, starting a thread in a forum where he is a mod is almost certainly not the way to go. If he said no on twitter, then posting a thread here is not adding any value.

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It aint happening its just not practicle but people don't seem to see this. It's easy for you lot to demand this and that but you don't actually understand the effort and how slow it would be. There's a reason why no-one live streams and really talks tactics in depth they only mention it in passing. It's because it would be very stop and start and not fluid at all. You have to understand half of what we do comes natural after so long so while the change might be a big deal for you, we don't actually think too much about what we do it becomes more like instinct after a while.

Add to this that I'd have to explain every single thing in detail before I advanced in case something else happens and I've still not covered the first change I did , if not what's the point? It would just be pretty boring and I'd not get any games played due to how long and well I'd have to cover something. I don't want to spend 3 hours talking about one game in real time when I can do it more thoroughly in an article over several days.

Don't expect to see many people talk about tactics in depth while streaming live it isn't practical and a lot of us covered this when Twitch was announced. I stream other games but I won't be doing FM far too time consuming for something that can be covered in a better way. You mentioned on Twitter time doesn't matter, well it wont for you as your not the one who has the painless task of talking about what was changed and why so you can't understand the sheer amount of effort required even for a minimal basic change.

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