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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. I have the same problem. I give me 20 in Set Pieces, but on the 24 Game this Season i only scored one goal from Corner. Next Season i defintly will have a Set Piece Coach.
  2. Dankeschön! Du meinst also so? https://gyazo.com/33d38b1411de3d80f3b07fdf4de7b191
  3. Hi @Maddux wie würdest du aktuell spielen lassen mit den neuen Transfers?
  4. Can you pls show me your Tactic? It look like that what i want.
  5. Thx for you answer. What do you think is the best Position for a Targetman? Poacher?
  6. Hi, i would like to play with a Targetman in Front. Unfortunately, I can't find a good tactic for this. Does the Targetman role not work properly in FM24? Should you perhaps use a different setting instead of the Targetman one? I would also like to feed the penalty area with crosses, but the players either play the ball flat or try to dribble into the penalty area. Or the ball just doesn't arrive Any help would be appreciated PS:Sry for my bad english i hope you can understand all
  7. Hi, great Thread! I have a Question. I am looking for a Targetman Tactic. Do you think your tactic work with a Targetman on Attack instead of DLF?
  8. Hi all, i like to play with a big Targetman in Front. But i dont have success with my tactics. Have anyone a good Tactic for a Targetman?
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