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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Would you mind sharing those files then? I would be grateful.
  2. Btw, do you have a solution for showing the attributes on the scouting reports?
  3. I see that happening as well too. It feels random where it just goes back to one of players you double-clicked or something. Don't know how to replicate it but it always happens.
  4. Hey, do you have that file with you? I tried to do it myself but it seems I messed it up, with the error message you can see from the screenshot O.o
  5. I think it is the trying to change the 'Media handling style thing that I tried to change from this thread as it seems to be bugged. But I messed it up somehow.
  6. Ummm I seem to be getting this error when I am trying to look at a staff member's profile.
  7. Anyone managed to put the attributes page to the scouting reports yet? Or is it possible to carry the FM 23 version of the skin's Scouting page and copy it into the FM24? Would that make it work?
  8. I'll try that then. Thank you. Btw, is there any hope for getting the attributes shown on the scouting reports in any future updates? That is literally the only thing I can think of that would make this skin perfect as it is as close to perfect.
  9. Which MOD you used? The Tactics screen one? If you managed to make this work, I also need it.
  10. speaking of substitutes, the FM 23 version of your skin had a great pop-up dragging a player over the other to show the attributes of the substitutes for the position they are taking. Is there a change that would be implemented in the future? Also, found another bug with the nation screen where the Youth Facilities has the language of the nation under it instead of any Youth Facilities rating. So there might be a mistake there.
  11. With the new versions folders, where do I put my Match score table files to customize them? For normal and the licensed oned? I don't see a 'comp' folder in the panels/match folder to change Champions League stuff.
  12. Any news on scout pages showing attributes and the Nation profile that shows the actual uniforms?
  13. well, managed to do it. match score area panel.xml And extracted this from the comp in Champions league. Now if I only I knew how to make it work for other competitions as it seems it is only made for Champions league but I take what I can get. Either way, thank you for your patience.
  14. Problem is I open up the Resource extractor, select the FMF file. Go ''Open Archieve'' and it is just empty. No files to be seen. Since the whole skin is just a big FMF file, I don't know why it doesn't work.
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