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Everything posted by Revan1

  1. Oh that might be why I’ll check, thank you
  2. Hi is anyone else struggling to find him in game? Tried typing him in, not there, typed in his team and he’s not in their squad! Please help! Haha
  3. That’s great thanks mate also this is my first time on pc could you tell me how I’m able to add manager? Thanks again and sorry for the hassle
  4. Hey guys just wondering how many time you can add a manager to a save? Have a few friends and we would like to do a league on the sofa offline thanks in advance, p.s there are 5 of us so hopefully I can add 5 haha
  5. https://www.box.co.uk/MGN63BA-Apple-MacBook-Air-M1-Chip-8GB-RAM-256GB-_3522004.html hi would this one run the game well? Thank you.
  6. Hi is there any more information you can give on the ps5 delay? Will it be cancelled all together? Is it the fault of Sony? Are you confident it’ll get released etc and maybe a rough idea as to when? Thank you
  7. Hi thanks for the reply, I’m hoping for under £400 if possible? Doesn’t have to be amazing, just enough to run the game with (hopefully) the 3d match engine, thanks again.
  8. Hi just wondering if anyone knows or can link me to a cheapish laptop that can run fm23? It would be my first one so I don’t know anything about specs etc haha thank you in advance
  9. Hi all I was wondering if anyone knows or could link me to a cheapish gaming laptop that would be able to run the game? Never had one before so wouldn’t know what specs or where best to look etc. thank you in advance.
  10. This is my number 1 ‘want’ I loved coming home from school with some mates doing our save playing against each other, fighting for titles etc with the banter that comes with it, and I’d love it again now as you say with a couple beers and mates from work. So please please please consider adding it for next years addition on console
  11. I’d love it too I’m going to request it in the features you want added section
  12. I asked that too as I loved playing with friends back in 08 but unfortunately it’s not possible this time around :(
  13. Thought I’d start this for us console players when the game releases! Feel free to post your team and players etc you intend to sign within the first 2 yrs wether you’re going for a realistic save or not , I’ll be playing as Manchester United and going for a mostly realistic save I aim to have these players by the end of my second season (I want a lnother right back if anyone has any recommendations?)
  14. @Desmond Richardson I’m so sorry for the tag I was just wondering if you (or anyone that has fm22 on Xbox) can tell me what the optional purchases are going to be? I can’t for the life of me find anything on Google that tells me? Thank you
  15. Thank you so much for replying I’m looking forward to it! I own a ps5 so never played last years version unfortunately so I’ll Google what the in game purchases are, thanks again
  16. Hi like most I’m really excited to play an fm game on console again now that it’s playable on PS5 I just have a couple questions if anyone has the answers to I’d really appreciate it 1) how many seasons can be played per save? 2) when looking at the pre order it says in game purchases optional, I wondered what they are? 3) how many leagues/countries can be selected at the start of the game? thanks again :)
  17. Hi yes sorry I got a notification that it moved so I thought it had been deleted haha sorry about that, ah ok thank you, so there is no way it’ll be added in fm23 for sofa play?
  18. @Desmond Richardson hi is it possible for you to tell me if the ‘add new manager’ option is available on the ps5 version? I’d love to get this game and play it on the sofa with friends like the 08 version thank you.
  19. Hey I’m new here so sorry if I’ve put this in the wrong thread, I’m very interested in buying this on ps5 when it releases, but I’m just wondering if ‘add new manager’ feature will be in it like the 07/08 version? As me and friends loved playing it on the sofa together in the same save with different teams, thank you in advance for any reply.
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