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Issue Comments posted by ajw10

  1. On 11/12/2023 at 00:12, ajw10 said:

    Came in to post similar, I reported this a while back. 

    Just about to kick off season 3, Man City v Arsenal 3pm non televised.

    In fact, there are no televised games on Saturday which doesn't make sense.

    Still an issue. I know there's talk of it being improved for 25, but this wasn't an issue for me on 23 at all.

  2. On 07/11/2023 at 19:44, ajw10 said:

    in the editor it appears twice and if I delete one of them, it shows just one in the game.

    So it seems like it's a graphical AND a coding issue.

    I know people cannot reveal a time frame, but ASAP could mean tomorrow or March. Would be nice to have a rough idea because if it's going to take months then I will try and get a refund.

    The lack of answer speaks volumes to me. This isn't getting fixed any time soon. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, robterrace said:

    In the database, it appears once, I've just checked this myself (£20m by yearly instalments over 4 years) . The issue is with something within the game. The relevant people are aware, and as far as I'm aware, this will be sorted ASAP.

    in the editor it appears twice and if I delete one of them, it shows just one in the game.

    So it seems like it's a graphical AND a coding issue.

    I know people cannot reveal a time frame, but ASAP could mean tomorrow or March. Would be nice to have a rough idea because if it's going to take months then I will try and get a refund.

  4. 8 hours ago, Pete Sottrel said:

    Hello @ajw10 - I am really sorry.  The duplicate clauses issue has been logged and has been worked on as a high priority item by our coding team.  Again, I apologise that a fix for this has not been ready for the release.

    The club records issue has also been logged, and is being looked at.

    Have you seen the follow up post as Odegaard's clause has been inputted twice in the editor. 

  5. 4 minutes ago, robterrace said:

    You were told that its something that is under investigation by the coding team, and that a solution will be given. At this point in time, it is a glitch, and, whilst it may have an impact on things in the immediate future, it will also be sorted ASAP.

    I wasn't told anything.

    I just want to know whether it has an actual impact on finances because if it does, I won't play this save :D I'm not asking for info on when it'll be fixed, just what the bug actually impacts.

    I don't think I am asking for too much.

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