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Everything posted by sebastian_starttrbts

  1. You could try to delete the player comparison.xml located in the panels/player-folder.
  2. First of all you could delete the properties folder. In Addition you'll need to replace every "size="0" appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/star1""-command with "style="semi_bold" size="small"". And there should be some commands for star and star2 as well. It may be another approach to extract a new skin-folder via the Ressource Archiver and then just copy the files mentioned in the player overview panel and adjust them.
  3. If I remember correctly, you'll need to adjust the stars' position for each attribute section (Medical, Data Analyst, Coaching,...) via the inset-commands in the non player attributes panel:
  4. The player attributes comparison panel tactics.xml (located in StarAttributes/panels/player) is responsible for the following change:
  5. Is this a screenshot from the Monthly Staff Meeting? In that case you should try the person properties.xml located in StarAttributes23/properties. And unfortunately, the missing label for the first attribute is an issue I have no idea where it is coming from. IMPORTANT: How to make it work after Downloading: Put "StarAttributes23" in your skin-folder open Football Manager, go to Preferences, choose "StarAttributes23" and reload skin -> now player and staff profiles show stars, while the different views still show numeric attributes exit Football Manager and reopen for person properties.xml to load finally custom views as well as specific player role views show non-numeric attributes
  6. To Remove the Attribute Analysis Polygon, you'll need to adjust two files located in the StarAttributes23/panels/player-folder: Simply remove the parts I highlighted with the red box: - player overview attributes tab selector panel.xml - player scout reports analysis subpanel.xml And there is a way to remove CA/PA: You'll need to figure out the respective ids for the CA/PA-commands in the person properties.xml and remove them in every panel I adjusted and in addition in every panel I did not touch and put them in the skin-folder together.
  7. Unfortunately, there was a small issue with the Attribute Analysis Details. While implementing, I accidentally skipped one attribute code and therefore every star in the Aerial and Mental section was shifted. I fixed it and updated the Download, so everything should be fine now.
  8. Great Work and in addition a huge inspiration to everybody creating skins. I feel like you defined a whole new level on what is possible in the Skinning world Can't wait to see what's coming in the future
  9. Over the past couple of years Sports Interactive made me fall in love with their Football Manager series, resulting in many thousands of hours trying to manage my way to the top. The only thing I could imagine to expand the Football Manager experience even more was the idea of a playing-style without numeric attributes. Inspired by Cleon’s “The no attribute way”, wkdsouls bars- and attributeless-skin as well as Oliver Jensen’s article on “how to play without attributes” back in FM19, I finally decided to try myself in creating a non-numeric attributes-skin with the release of Football Manager 21. At the moment, I honestly can't imagine playing FM with numeric attributes in the near future again. One year ago, there was StarAttributes22 and of course we're back for the new Football Manager. So here we go, this is StarAttributes23 ... Remarks: creating a manager shows numeric attributes, but they'll be displayed as stars in your profile once you start your career adjust the thresholds in the custom skin colour-section and define the areas covering an excellent, good, average or low attribute on your personal preferences without any problem in-game customise the colour of the stars by following the step-by-step instruction at the bottom of this post Changelog: (all) numeric attributes replaced by a star with its colour depending on a certain threshold (low, average, good and excellent) now you can distinguish between un-scouted and low attribute values, however the colour of a star can change with an increase in player knowledge player- and staff-comparison rearranged overhaul in player- and staff-search with the intention to use the advanced search and statistical data to identify potential transfer targets removed any information of numerical player development custom views as well as specific player role views show non-numeric attributes left and right foot ability instead of preferred foot in player overview added coach report information (pros and cons) to player profile as well as information on nation trained in and club trained at replaced letters with club badges in match score panel added attributes, season stats and contract info to the scouting centre new player profile, including information on "position played in" next to the player position indicator panel new club overview including league table and history, stadium pictures, manager stats, last starting eleven and trophies won player faces and information on left and right foot ability as well as on condition and match sharpness on the tactics screen implemented coaching, recruitment and medical team list to staff overview Personal Note: I am not an advanced skin editor. Thanks to the Skinning Hideout community and their awesome guides I was able to enjoy working on this and I hope it can somehow contribute to this awesome Football Manager series. You can use these panels for your private usage of course. If there are plans on releasing a skin using my panels, please feel free to send me a message and ask for permission first, since it was a lot of work. This skin was developed in Full Screen Window Mode and a resolution of 2560 x 1440 (Standard Size 100%). While creating StarAttributes23.1, I used the Cut Out Player Faces Megapack by @sortitoutsi and the FMT Stadium Superpack by @geordie1981 Credits: Huge thanks @michaeltmurrayukfor his Scoreboard Mod, based on which I replaced the letters with club badges in the match score panel and especially for everything he's doing for the Skinning-community. Special thanks @wkdsoul for giving me permission to include his star-graphic in order to make this skin available for the community as well. @GIMN, whose work on the incredible Mustermann-skin encouraged me to try something different as well. @Wozzie for his awesome Tato-skin and especially his approach to implement information on left and right foot ability on the tactics-screen. @FMEnhanced for his work on the FME_Zealand-skin, which has been a huge inspiration to me. Download: StarAttributes23.1.zip Google Drive IMPORTANT: How to make it work after Downloading: Put "StarAttributes23" in your skin-folder open Football Manager, go to Preferences, choose "StarAttributes23" and reload skin -> now player and staff profiles show stars, while the different views still show numeric attributes exit Football Manager and reopen for person properties.xml to load finally custom views as well as specific player role views show non-numeric attributes How to customise the colour of the attribute stars: Contact: Twitter: https://twitter.com/StarAttributes I hope you'll enjoy it the way I do Past versions: FM22: StarAttributes22 FM21: StarAttributes21
  10. Oh, that's not something we want. Try this: <!-- A panel showing various bits of information about a player --> <panel> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <boolean id="should_force_refresh" value="true" /> <container class="main_box_no_margin"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" inset="0" gap="16" mode="distribute_equally"> <container default_width="-1" priority="1"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="280, -1, 10, 1" offset="0" gap="0" /> <container class="bordered_box" priority="1" default_height="-1"> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" offset="0" gap="0" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <container> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="5" offset="5" gap="0" /> <!-- KIT ICON --> <widget id="cKit" class="kit_icon" image_alignment="left" height="130" scale_picture="true" kit_zoom_level="2" priority="1"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="-38" /> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="Pers" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> </list> </record> </widget> </container> <widget class="picture" id="foto"> <layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="horizontal" offset="70" priority="1" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" priority="1" /> <boolean id="scale_picture" value="true" /> <boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="true" /> <flags id="image_alignment" value="centre" /> <attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_portraits" default_value="true" set_property="hidn"> <list id="value"> <boolean value="false" /> </list> </attachment> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="fcgn" /> </record> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="Pfke" /> </record> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="prpc" /> <integer id="set_property" value="valu" /> </record> </list> </record> </widget> </container> <!-- Personal Details --> <container id="icn1"> <layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="left,extend" horizontal_gap="16" default_width="-1"/> <widget class="object_portrait_picture" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" wants_mouse_events="true" width="130"> <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="PNat" set_property="objt" /> </widget> <container> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="middle" offset="0" gap="1" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <!-- Nationality --> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="intc" auto_size="vertical"> <record id="widget_info" class="nation_button" icon_enabled="false" auto_size="vertical" format="[%nation#1-nationality]" size="small" /> <record id="widget_properties" auto_size="vertical" /> <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="PNat" /> </widget> <!-- Age & DoB--> <container> <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" gap="0" offset="0" /> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left,extend" offset="0" gap="3" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <!-- Age --> <!-- We use an editable panel here just to make it disappear when editing--> <!-- fixed height as an attempt to fix 152615 -->--> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="age " height="22" auto_size="horizontal"> <record id="widget_info" class="formatted_label" alignment="left,centre_y" height="22" auto_size="horizontal" size="large" style="bold" appearance="buttons/primary/normal/button"> <translation id="format" translation_id="242551" type="use" value="[%number#1] years old" /> </record> <record id="widget_edit_info" width="0" height="0" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="Page" /> </widget> <!-- DoB --> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="dobl" auto_size="vertical" size="small"> <record id="widget_info" class="game_formatted_label" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_size="vertical" auto_size_minimum_height="22" format="([%date#1-short])" /> <record id="widget_properties" height="22" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pdob" /> </widget> </container> <!-- Int Caps --> <widget class="international_appearances_label" id="inta" auto_size="vertical"> <integer id="int_apps_label_format" value="8" /> <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="Pist" /> </widget> <!-- Youth Caps --> <widget class="international_appearances_label" id="inty" auto_size="vertical" size="small"> <integer id="int_apps_label_format" value="9" /> <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="Pist" /> </widget> </container> </container> <widget class="spacer" /> <widget class="vertical_divider" auto_size="none" /> </container> <!-- Contract info etc--> <container default_width="-1" priority="3"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right,extend" offset="0" gap="10" /> <container id="icn2"> <layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="left,extend" horizontal_gap="16" /> <container width="100"> <layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="middle" /> <container height="100"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true" /> <widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="pclB" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" wants_mouse_events="true"> <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="Pclb" set_property="objt" /> </widget> </container> </container> <container> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <container class="vertical_arrange_container" alignment="middle" offset="0" gap="2"> <!--Player extra details (e.g. onloan at...)--> <widget class="player_extra_details_text" id="plex" auto_size="vertical" multiline="false" size="small"> <record id="object_property" get_property="PExD" /> </widget> <!--Value--> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="valu" auto_size="all" font="bold" colour="text" alignment="left, centre"> <translation id="format" translation_id="383826" type="use" value="Valued at [%cash#1-roundsmall-short][COMMENT: FR 10661; player overview; string diaplyed a player's estimated monetary value]" /> <record id="widget_properties" auto_size="all" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pdva" dont_set_hint="true" /> </widget> <!--Wage / Expiry date--> <container height="30" id="wged"> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="fill" offset="0" gap="2" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="Pcww" colour="fg" red_replacement="edit_box_background"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcww" /> </widget> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="Pcex" colour="fg" red_replacement="edit_box_background"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcex" /> </widget> </container> <widget class="link_text" id="wgex" section="Pcnr" auto_size="vertical" size="small" /> <!-- Agreed playing time--> <widget class="playing_time_label" id="sqst" auto_size="vertical" size="small"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcpt" /> </widget> </container> </container> </container> <!-- Vertical separator line --> <widget class="vertical_divider" priority="4" /> </container> <!-- Scout report info etc--> <container default_width="-1"> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="-2" gap="8" offset="0" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" /> <container class="icon_box" id="scrB" icon="" minimum_width="304" priority="5"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <record id="icon_properties" red_replacement="bg accent" blue_replacement="fg" /> <!-- Set icon to only show: Sct--> <record id="widget_properties" type="2" /> <container class="player_scout_reports_panel" id="psco" file="player/player scout reports small"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> </container> </container> <!-- Status Indicators --> <container class="player_status_all_button" id="psAB" maximised="true" auto_size="vertical" alignment="bottom" gap="4" max_items_per_row_or_column="1" > <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="100" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="32" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pnfa" /> </container> </container> </container> </container> </panel>
  11. Probably, this isn't the best way, but it seems to work. <!-- A panel showing various bits of information about a player --> <panel> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <boolean id="should_force_refresh" value="true" /> <container class="main_box_no_margin"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <container class="horizontal_adaptive_container" inset="0" gap="16" mode="distribute_equally"> <container minimum_width="300" priority="1"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="280, -1, 10, 1" offset="0" gap="0" /> <container class="bordered_box" priority="1" default_height="-1"> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" offset="0" gap="0" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <container> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="5" offset="5" gap="0" /> <!-- KIT ICON --> <widget id="cKit" class="kit_icon" image_alignment="left" height="130" scale_picture="true" kit_zoom_level="2" priority="1"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="-38" /> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="Pers" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> </list> </record> </widget> </container> <widget class="picture" id="foto"> <layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="horizontal" offset="70" priority="1" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" priority="1" /> <boolean id="scale_picture" value="true" /> <boolean id="keep_aspect_ratio" value="true" /> <flags id="image_alignment" value="centre" /> <attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_portraits" default_value="true" set_property="hidn"> <list id="value"> <boolean value="false" /> </list> </attachment> <record id="object_property"> <list id="get_properties"> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="fcgn" /> </record> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="Pfke" /> </record> <record> <integer id="get_property" value="prpc" /> <integer id="set_property" value="valu" /> </record> </list> </record> </widget> </container> <!-- Personal Details --> <container id="icn1"> <layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="left,extend" horizontal_gap="16" /> <widget class="object_portrait_picture" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" wants_mouse_events="true" width="130"> <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="PNat" set_property="objt" /> </widget> <container> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="middle" offset="0" gap="1" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <!-- Nationality --> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="intc" auto_size="vertical"> <record id="widget_info" class="nation_button" icon_enabled="false" auto_size="vertical" format="[%nation#1-nationality]" size="small" /> <record id="widget_properties" auto_size="vertical" /> <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="PNat" /> </widget> <!-- Age & DoB--> <container> <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" gap="0" offset="0" /> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left,extend" offset="0" gap="3" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <!-- Age --> <!-- We use an editable panel here just to make it disappear when editing--> <!-- fixed height as an attempt to fix 152615 -->--> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="age " height="22" auto_size="horizontal"> <record id="widget_info" class="formatted_label" alignment="left,centre_y" height="22" auto_size="horizontal" size="large" style="bold" appearance="buttons/primary/normal/button"> <translation id="format" translation_id="242551" type="use" value="[%number#1] years old" /> </record> <record id="widget_edit_info" width="0" height="0" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="Page" /> </widget> <!-- DoB --> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="dobl" auto_size="vertical" size="small"> <record id="widget_info" class="game_formatted_label" alignment="left,centre_y" auto_size="vertical" auto_size_minimum_height="22" format="([%date#1-short])" /> <record id="widget_properties" height="22" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pdob" /> </widget> </container> <!-- Int Caps --> <widget class="international_appearances_label" id="inta" auto_size="vertical"> <integer id="int_apps_label_format" value="8" /> <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="Pist" /> </widget> <!-- Youth Caps --> <widget class="international_appearances_label" id="inty" auto_size="vertical" size="small"> <integer id="int_apps_label_format" value="9" /> <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="Pist" /> </widget> </container> </container> <widget class="spacer" /> <widget class="vertical_divider" auto_size="none" /> </container> <!-- Contract info etc--> <container minimum_width="200" priority="3"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="right,extend" offset="0" gap="10" /> <container id="icn2"> <layout class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="left,extend" horizontal_gap="16" /> <container width="100"> <layout class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="middle" /> <container height="100"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true" /> <widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="pclB" image_alignment="centre" scale_picture="true" wants_mouse_events="true"> <record id="object_property" dont_set_hint="true" get_property="Pclb" set_property="objt" /> </widget> </container> </container> <container> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <container class="vertical_arrange_container" alignment="middle" offset="0" gap="2"> <!--Player extra details (e.g. onloan at...)--> <widget class="player_extra_details_text" id="plex" auto_size="vertical" multiline="false" size="small"> <record id="object_property" get_property="PExD" /> </widget> <!--Value--> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="valu" auto_size="all" font="bold" colour="text" alignment="left, centre"> <translation id="format" translation_id="383826" type="use" value="Valued at [%cash#1-roundsmall-short][COMMENT: FR 10661; player overview; string diaplyed a player's estimated monetary value]" /> <record id="widget_properties" auto_size="all" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pdva" dont_set_hint="true" /> </widget> <!--Wage / Expiry date--> <container height="30" id="wged"> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="fill" offset="0" gap="2" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="Pcww" colour="fg" red_replacement="edit_box_background"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcww" /> </widget> <widget class="editable_client_object_property_panel" id="Pcex" colour="fg" red_replacement="edit_box_background"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcex" /> </widget> </container> <widget class="link_text" id="wgex" section="Pcnr" auto_size="vertical" size="small" /> <!-- Agreed playing time--> <widget class="playing_time_label" id="sqst" auto_size="vertical" size="small"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pcpt" /> </widget> </container> </container> </container> <!-- Vertical separator line --> <widget class="vertical_divider" priority="4" /> </container> <!-- Scout report info etc--> <container> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="-2" gap="8" offset="0" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" /> <container class="icon_box" id="scrB" icon="" minimum_width="304" priority="5"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <record id="icon_properties" red_replacement="bg accent" blue_replacement="fg" /> <!-- Set icon to only show: Sct--> <record id="widget_properties" type="2" /> <container class="player_scout_reports_panel" id="psco" file="player/player scout reports small"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> </container> </container> <!-- Status Indicators --> <container class="player_status_all_button" id="psAB" maximised="true" auto_size="vertical" alignment="bottom" gap="4" max_items_per_row_or_column="1" > <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="100" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="32" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pnfa" /> </container> </container> </container> </container> </panel> You can adjust the inset-values for top and left to move the icons in the direction you want them to be in.
  12. You can try this: <!-- Status Indicators --> <widget class="player_status_all_button" id="psAB" maximised="true" auto_size="vertical" alignment="bottom" gap="4" max_items_per_row_or_column="1"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="68" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="right" inset="0" /> <record id="object_property" get_property="Pnfa" /> </widget>
  13. And you might be able to achieve new goals every year. It feels awesome to finally make something work you dreamed of years ago
  14. Soon after posting I discovered the player positions indicator scout card.xml and worked my way from there: <panel save_session_state="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true" inset="12" /> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-1,-1" offset="0" gap="8" /> <!--LEFT SIDE--> <container class="main_box_no_margin"> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="-1.-8" alignment="fill" offset="0" gap="3" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <!-- Position --> <widget class="text" font="title" auto_size="vertical" colour="accent" alignment="centre"> <translation id="text" type="use" value="Position" /> </widget> <!-- Pitch --> <widget class="pitch_with_player_positions" id="ppip" height="180" vertical="false" pitch_alignment="centre,can_scale" pitch_draw_goals="true" pitch_draw_markings="false" show_position_strength="false" hide_player_positions="true" pitch_show_names="false" pitch_show_names_as_hint="true" pitch_draw_grass="false" pitch_line_colour="text" pitch_touchline_width_percentage="1" pitch_override_icon_size="2" line_width="1.4"> <!-- Set the icon to use for people on the pitch. The icon will first look for a size that matches the pitch's size, for instance 'pitch/icons/kit/tiny/kit' or 'pitch/icons/kit/medium/kit'. If an icon for the size category is not found it will try the base path: pitch/icons/kit/kit. This means that if you want to use an icon on a pitch that will only ever be one size you can just provide the base and not worry about the tiny/small/medium/large size categories --> <string id="pitch_kit_icon" value="pitch/icons/dots" /> </widget> </container> <!--RIGHT SIDE--> <container> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="30,2,-2, 2,-5" offset="0" gap="4" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <!-- Label --> <widget id="r+dl" class="text" font="title" auto_size="vertical" colour="accent" alignment="centre"> <translation id="text" translation_id="363721" type="use" value="Role and Duty[COMMENT: FR 8989 - title for a panel allowing choosing of the role and duty for a player]" /> </widget> <!-- Info labels for when the data isn't available--> <container id="inFC"> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" offset="0" gap="4" /> <widget class="text" id="nrLb" auto_size="vertical" hidden="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" /> <translation id="text" translation_id="383562" type="use" value="No suitable best roles for this position[COMMENT: FR 10661; player overview positions indicator; string displayed when the player is not good enough in a position to have a 'best role' for it]" /> </widget> <widget class="text" id="arbs" auto_size="vertical" hidden="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" /> <translation id="text" translation_id="447600" type="use" value="This player is being scouted by [%person#1] and the report will be available shortly.[COMMENT:scout report, scouting in progress]" /> </widget> <widget class="text" id="pool" auto_size="vertical" hidden="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" /> <translation id="text" translation_id="342085" type="use" value="Scouting In Progress[COMMENT: disabled menu item when a player is already being scouted]" /> </widget> <widget class="button" id="scPb" click_event="sctc" auto_size="all" height="30" hidden="true"> <translation id="text" translation_id="243421" type="use" value="Scout Player" /> <layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="horizontal" /> </widget> </container> <!-- Best roles for selected position --> <widget class="table" id="Rcon" layout="80, 18, -1, 100" auto_size_rows="false" row_height="28" row_spacing="2" column_spacing="4" mode="select_rows" select_event="sdst" sort_disabled="true"> <translation id="hint" translation_id="330016" type="use" value="Highlight key attributes for role[COMMENT: option allowing for viewing the key attributes needed to play in a certain role]" /> <global id="override_select_row_flags" name="platform_is_stadia"/> <record id="default_properties"> <translation id="hint" translation_id="330016" type="use" value="Highlight key attributes for role[COMMENT: option allowing for viewing the key attributes needed to play in a certain role]" /> </record> <list id="column_widget_properties"> <record index="1" navigation_focus_target="true" /> <record index="2" navigation_focus_target="true" /> </list> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS1" row="0" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt1" row="0" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut1" row="0" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2" /> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS2" row="1" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt2" row="1" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut2" row="1" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS3" row="2" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt3" row="2" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut3" row="2" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS4" row="3" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt4" row="3" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut4" row="3" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS5" row="4" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt5" row="4" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut5" row="4" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS6" row="5" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt6" row="5" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut6" row="5" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS7" row="6" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt7" row="6" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut7" row="6" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS8" row="7" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt8" row="7" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut8" row="7" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> </widget> </container> </panel> But it is great to understand why it worked that way instead of just realising that it worked Thank you
  15. Hello everybody, At the moment I am trying to arrange the player positions indicator in a horizontal way instead of the default vertical arrangement without loosing the ability to highlight the attributes needed: The aim is to have the pitch on the left and the role and duties on the right next to the pitch. I already tried to replace the vertical commands with horizontal, but unfortunately it isn't that easy Here's my panel: <panel save_session_state="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <container> <record id="mask" alignment="vertical, left" top="0" bottom="-110" width="200" file="backgrounds/pattern" offset_x="-300" offset_y="50"/> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top,extend" offset="0" gap="8" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <container> <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" gap="0" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> </container> <!-- Position --> <widget class="text" font="title" auto_size="vertical" colour="accent" alignment="centre"> <translation id="text" type="use" value="Position" /> </widget> <!-- Pitch --> <widget class="pitch_with_player_positions" id="ppip" height="180" vertical="false" pitch_alignment="centre,can_scale" pitch_draw_goals="true" pitch_draw_markings="false" show_position_strength="false" hide_player_positions="true" pitch_show_names="false" pitch_show_names_as_hint="true" pitch_draw_grass="false" pitch_line_colour="text" pitch_touchline_width_percentage="1" pitch_override_icon_size="2" line_width="1.4"> <!-- Set the icon to use for people on the pitch. The icon will first look for a size that matches the pitch's size, for instance 'pitch/icons/kit/tiny/kit' or 'pitch/icons/kit/medium/kit'. If an icon for the size category is not found it will try the base path: pitch/icons/kit/kit. This means that if you want to use an icon on a pitch that will only ever be one size you can just provide the base and not worry about the tiny/small/medium/large size categories --> <string id="pitch_kit_icon" value="pitch/icons/dots" /> </widget> <!-- Label --> <widget id="r+dl" class="text" font="title" auto_size="vertical" colour="accent" alignment="centre"> <translation id="text" translation_id="363721" type="use" value="Role and Duty[COMMENT: FR 8989 - title for a panel allowing choosing of the role and duty for a player]" /> </widget> <container> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" /> <!-- Info labels for when the data isn't available--> <container id="inFC"> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="top" offset="0" gap="4" /> <widget class="text" id="nrLb" auto_size="vertical" hidden="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" /> <translation id="text" translation_id="383562" type="use" value="No suitable best roles for this position[COMMENT: FR 10661; player overview positions indicator; string displayed when the player is not good enough in a position to have a 'best role' for it]" /> </widget> <widget class="text" id="arbs" auto_size="vertical" hidden="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" /> <translation id="text" translation_id="447600" type="use" value="This player is being scouted by [%person#1] and the report will be available shortly.[COMMENT:scout report, scouting in progress]" /> </widget> <widget class="text" id="pool" auto_size="vertical" hidden="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" /> <translation id="text" translation_id="342085" type="use" value="Scouting In Progress[COMMENT: disabled menu item when a player is already being scouted]" /> </widget> <widget class="button" id="scPb" click_event="sctc" auto_size="all" height="30" hidden="true"> <translation id="text" translation_id="243421" type="use" value="Scout Player" /> <layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="horizontal" /> </widget> </container> <!-- Best roles for selected position --> <widget class="table" id="Rcon" layout="80, 18, -1, 100" auto_size_rows="false" row_height="28" row_spacing="2" column_spacing="4" mode="select_rows" select_event="sdst" sort_disabled="true"> <translation id="hint" translation_id="330016" type="use" value="Highlight key attributes for role[COMMENT: option allowing for viewing the key attributes needed to play in a certain role]" /> <global id="override_select_row_flags" name="platform_is_stadia"/> <record id="default_properties"> <translation id="hint" translation_id="330016" type="use" value="Highlight key attributes for role[COMMENT: option allowing for viewing the key attributes needed to play in a certain role]" /> </record> <list id="column_widget_properties"> <record index="1" navigation_focus_target="true" /> <record index="2" navigation_focus_target="true" /> </list> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS1" row="0" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt1" row="0" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut1" row="0" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2" /> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS2" row="1" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt2" row="1" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut2" row="1" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS3" row="2" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt3" row="2" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut3" row="2" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS4" row="3" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt4" row="3" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut4" row="3" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS5" row="4" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt5" row="4" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut5" row="4" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS6" row="5" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt6" row="5" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut6" row="5" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS7" row="6" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt7" row="6" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut7" row="6" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> <widget class="stars_range_strip" id="roS8" row="7" col="0" image_alignment="centre" /> <widget class="info_icon_hint_text" id="hnt8" row="7" col="1" /> <widget class="popup_button" id="dut8" row="7" col="2" appearance="" column_span="2"/> </widget> </container> </container> </panel> Maybe someone has an idea? Thank you in advance
  16. Hey @Mihai Constantin, I'm glad you enjoyed the video of FoxintheBox that much I followed his Toulouse-Save on Twitch using the StarAttributes skin as well and it was a lot of fun watching. And yes, there are plans on releasing StarAttributes23 as soon as possible after the official FM23 release. The time needed depends on the panels SI added and changed compared to the FM22 version. But there will be some news on Twitter and of course a new thread in the Skinning Hideout when StarAttributes23 will be available. (And no problem. The right place to ask is the place, where I discover the question :))
  17. Hello @DoritoJr, @klimdrum and @snowofman, unfortunately, this won't work by just adding one or two folders to another skin. There are indeed some panels affected by the properties folder, but in addition there are many more with attributes on it and you would have to adjust all of them. Since other skins do look way different concerning their structure, you would have to edit every file on its own. It's more or less like creating a whole new skin.
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