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Everything posted by sebastian_starttrbts

  1. Got it I inserted the whole "classes"-folder (AND therefore the config as well) and it worked But unfortunately it seems like there's no way to remove the < and > buttons, but at least I tried Thank you
  2. I've looked in the classes folder, but there was noch such file. Therefore I may have not extracted the right data before. EDIT: I've tried again and I found it. Since I'm not that experienced when it comes to classes: I created a classes-folder with the file inside the skin folder and restarted FM. But now the button isn't visible anymore. If I remove the classes folder again and reload the skin, the button appears again.
  3. Are there any files we don't get using the Resource Archiver? I'm in the competition stages panel and would like to adjust the season-selection button: <!-- menu bar area --> <container id="stba" embed_in_frame="true"> <attachment_group class="title_embedded_panel_right"/> <!-- the year menu: visible if more than one year stored --> <widget class="embedded_season_selection_list" id="yrpb" auto_size="horizontal" sele="acyr" height="30" reverse_function="true" embed_in_frame="true" /> </container> but I don't find the data for the embedded_season_selection_list class.
  4. Is there any chance to change the font_size in a main_box header? <!-- League Positions Graph --> <container class="main_box" id="lehi"> <translation id="title" translation_id="319446" type="use" value="League History[COMMENT: title for the league position history on the club overview panel]" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <widget class="club_league_history_graph" id="clhg" file="club/club league history graph no buttons"> <record id="object_property"> <integer id="get_property" value="objt" /> <integer id="set_property" value="objt" /> </record> </widget> </container> Using a translation_id inside a main_box container class makes the value appear as a header inside the main_box. Now I would like to reduce the size of this specific main_box header. Has somebody an idea?
  5. I finally managed to try it out and addressing the selector file via: <container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos0" navigation_container="true" minimum_width="601" default_width="601" priority="1" file="non_player/selector/non player overview small selector panel head" default_widget="biog" late_loading="true" save_session_state="true"/> made it appear. Therefore the integer ids indeed seemed to be responsible.
  6. I was wondering whether someone was able to create a client_object_viewer_selector_panel on the non_player profile (and the human profile as well)? I tried using my code from the player overview panel: <container class="client_object_viewer_selector_panel" id="cos1" priority="1" navigation_container="true" minimum_width="601" default_width="601" file="non_player/selector/player overview small selector panel head"> <integer id="default_for_unemployed_managers" value="phap" /> <integer id="default_for_international_managers_other_team" value="phap" /> <integer id="default_for_everyone_else" value="phap" /> <integer id="default_for_versus_mode" value="phap" /> </container> with the selector file mentioned: <panel navigation_container="true"> <container id="SUBP"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="8" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" /> </container> <widget class="popup_button" id="popv" height="30" width="30" click_event="msis" appearance="buttons/custom/over state only/button" fixed="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="right,top" inset="0,0" /> </widget> <!-- Career Stats --> <widget class="playing_history_summary_panel" file="player/player/playing history summary small" id="phsp" late_loading="true"> <translation id="title" translation_id="247605" type="use" value="Career Stats" /> </widget> </panel> But unfortunately the button isn't clickable with the code above: I feel like it could be a problem with the integer ids but I'm not sure where to find the correct ones for the non_player profile.
  7. You'll need to restart the game once you choose the StarAttributes skin for the person properties.xml to be effective. How to make it work after Downloading: Put "StarAttributes23" in your skin-folder open Football Manager, go to Preferences, choose "StarAttributes23" and reload skin -> now player and staff profiles show stars, while the different views still show numeric attributes exit Football Manager and reopen for person properties.xml to load finally custom views as well as specific player role views show non-numeric attributes
  8. Thank you For some reason using the player scout report panel made me able to scout players in regions, I wasn't able to scout before. Now I switched from the player scout report to the player scout report small and was able to create the panel I was looking for Although the text isn't white, I like it
  9. Thank you for your help. But I was thinking about the text within the scout recommendation "Would be a good signing." for which the line I mentioned <widget class="text" id="recw" alignment="left,centre_y" multiline="true" style="bold" auto_size="vertical" size="14"/> seems to be responsible. At least the command with size="14" had an increasing textsize effect. But unfortunately the colour-command does not have any effect on this text.
  10. Hello everybody, I would like to change the colour of the scout recommendation text to white, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to work: The widget is located in the player reports overview summary vertical.xml panel and affects the Reports/Scout Reports section and although I am able to change the text size, neither version of the colour-command does have an effect. (The line with <widget class="text" id="recw" alignment="left,centre_y" multiline="true" style="bold" auto_size="vertical" size="14"/> seems to be responsible) [...] <container id="stBX" class="main_box_no_margin" background_colour="red"> <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_autosize_centre" horizontal_layout="40,-6, -1" horizontal_gap="4" horizontal_offset="6" vertical_offset="8" /> <widget class="player_scout_recommendation_widget" id="sriW" width="40" height="40" show_knowledge_bar="false" navigation_focus_target="false"> <record id="object_property" get_property="Psrk" set_property="objt" /> </widget> <!-- Coach report info etc (only for own players)--> <container id="strS" hidden="true"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="5" apply_to_children="true" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="15" apply_to_children="true" /> <container class="player_scout_reports_panel" id="psco" file="player/player scout reports small"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> </container> </container> <widget class="text" id="recw" alignment="left,centre_y" multiline="true" style="bold" auto_size="vertical" size="14"/> </container> [...] Thanks in advance
  11. The attributes are replaced via the appearance command: appearance="boxes/custom/attributes/star" You should have a look at the graphics-folder to cover all the star variations, eg. star, star1, star2, ...
  12. Hello @jimjay203, Implementing the stars into other skins is possible, but it is more like creating a whole new skin. First of all you'll copy the graphics and the properties-folder. This should already replace some numeric attributes. Afterwards you'll need to look for all the panels I replaced the attributes in and check whether they exist in the other skin. If so, they might be responsible for some graphical adjustments and you won't be able to implement the stars by simply replacing them. Instead you'll need to manually replace the relevant commands in the other skin's panel files one by one.
  13. Hello @mf7771, Unfortunately, I don't think we are able to remove specific elements from the coach or scout reports. At least I don't have seen any option to choose from.
  14. I feel like you're constantly pushing the boundaries of what is possible concerning Skin-Editing in Football Manager. It is nothing less than amazing what you've achieved in the past few months.
  15. Hello everybody, Is there a specific way to set up panels in order to make them usable on different screen resolutions? I developed my skin in Full Screen Window Mode and a resolution of 2560 x 1440 (Standard Size 100%) using the respective ratios with negative sign in order to align the panels: <panel> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="-100,-208,-192" gap="4" offset="0" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true" alignment="horizontal" inset="0" /> [...] Unfortunately users with smaller screen resolutions (1920x1080) discovered some elements not being visible anymore: Is there a "better way" to set up panels or do I need to adjust them for smaller screen resolutions manually (maybe by reducing the text sizes)?
  16. But since there are more people having issues concerning certain elements' visibility on different screen resolutions, I'll try to work on a solution as soon as possible.
  17. Hello @paconaifas, I feel like I understand what you're thinking about. The skin is developed in Full Screen Window Mode with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 (Standard Size 100%). The different "panels" are arranged using a specific ratio. For example, the player overview panel has a layout of "-100,-208,-192". This means that the three vertical sections are arranged using a height-ratio of 100 for the top section, 208 for the middle and 192 for the bottom section (total height=500 and rescaled for different resolutions). Given your laptop-screen with a smaller height, each section will be in the same ratio but due to fixed heights for specific elements some parts unfortunately won't appear at the moment. There might be an approach to change the containers to hide elements that exceed the maximum height or width, but this would require some more editing than just removing one part and replace another one. And in addition some elements won't be visible anymore. I'll have to think about a possible solution.
  18. Thank you for showing me a screenshot of the issue. To be honest, I'm not sure whether it worked on 1920x1080 with 85% ingame zoom before the update, since I'm playing and developed the skin in Full Screen Window Mode with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 (Standard Size 100%). But changing the screen resolution to 1920x1080 created a view similar to your screenshot on my computer as well.
  19. Have you tried to adjust the screen resolution? StarAttributes was developed in Full Screen Window Mode with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 (Standard Size 100%). If you use a lower resolution, some text elements may be cut off due to the lack of vertical and horizontal space. Maybe you could show me a screenshot in combination with the resolution you are using.
  20. *updated January 22nd* Changelog: new player profile, including information on "position played in" next to the player position indicator panel new scouting report card similar to the player profile new club overview including league table and history, stadium pictures, manager stats, last starting eleven and trophies won player faces and information on left and right foot ability as well as on condition and match sharpness on the tactics screen implemented coaching, recruitment and medical team list to staff overview IMPORTANT: How to make it work after Downloading: Put "StarAttributes23.1" in your skin-folder open Football Manager, go to Preferences, choose "StarAttributes23.1" and reload skin -> now player and staff profiles show stars, while the different views still show numeric attributes exit Football Manager and reopen for person properties.xml to load finally custom views as well as specific player role views show non-numeric attributes
  21. Did someone manage to show different panels for the Scouting Centre Card and the inbox scouting Update cards? Looking at the inbox content with scouting centre panel, there's a section with <widget class="scouting_centre_inbox_panel" id="scic" is_in_inbox="true"> <boolean id="save_session_state" value="true" /> </widget> which seems to be responsible to display the same panel inbox as in the scouting centre. But for now, I wasn't able to display different or at least less content on the inbox section. Or would I need to work with priorities in order to hide some elements on the inbox panel?
  22. Hello, I'm glad you enjoy StarAttributes that much Implementing the stars into other skins is possible, but it is more like creating a whole new skin. First of all you'll copy the graphics and the properties-folder. This should already replace some numeric attributes. Afterwards you'll need to look for all the panels I replaced the attributes in and check whether they exist in the other skin. If so, they might be responsible for some graphical adjustments and you won't be able to implement the stars by simply replacing them. Instead you'll need to manually replace the relevant commands in the other skin's panel files one by one.
  23. It seems like the whole "Set Pieces"-section is showing some numeric attributes. I replaced them in previous versions, so maybe I forgot it this time or SI changed the panels in an update. I'll have a look. Thank you
  24. You could start by extracting the default skin via the Resource Archiver (or you just download the base skin in the Skinning Hideout) and then you copy the graphics- and the properties-folder from StarAttributes. This should replace some numeric attributes at least. And afterwards you'll need to look for the files I replaced the attributes in (look for "size="0" appearance="") and then you'll need to do the same in the default panels without any visual adjustments. I'm sorry that there is no "easier" way to implement the stars.
  25. Yes, I removed it on purpose, but deleting the player comparison.xml, afterwards clearing the cache and reloading the skin should bring back the overview tab:
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