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Everything posted by SMV90

  1. Also, someone posting a picture they got sent by a friend, then having the mods help clean it up probably didn’t help (although Miles never saw it, but still)
  2. Nah, not happening tonight. Thursday night it is (it’s never dropped on Wednesday so tomorrow is out)
  3. A visual representation of Neil Brock coming in here at midday and telling us the beta is next week. No holding back, no sugar-coating it. Just straight to the point, nothing but raw pain and suffering for us.
  4. I was off work yesterday, I’m off today AND tomorrow. So whilst it makes sense to release the beta today/tomorrow, I fear it’s going to be Thursday just to annoy me.
  5. It makes sense to release it today. What beta way (overused pun I know) to have your game tested than releasing it to the masses and giving them the best part of 3 weeks to find any bugs and issues? It makes no sense to keep delaying the release.
  6. I am still unsure what I want to do as my main save for FM24. I am debating between a youth only save (usually starting down in tier 10-12 of England with a custom database) I also really enjoy doing BAN saves and now that Gibraltar is already in the game, it means I don’t need to download a database and can just get straight on with it.
  7. What’s the latest time the beta has been released? Just so I know what time to give up hope.
  8. First we had the comms team for FM saying about 2-3 weeks for the beta release. Then we have this latest thing (if it’s genuine) with that video that was tweeted earlier. It’s like people are pissing off Big Dawg Miles to the point where he releases the beta a few days before just because he can.
  9. SLAP - Sounds Like A Plan! You bring the drinks, I’ll order the food, night is sorted 👉🏻
  10. @priority76 Nah, no invitation. Myself and my friend don’t have alpha access. But the fact that someone is testing it (a fairy popular streamer) has to be good news for Monday, right? Streamers test it the weekend, final touches on Monday AM and a Monday PM release?
  11. Hoping for a Monday release, expecting a Thursday though. Just 3 or 6 days left - maybe something inbetween.
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