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Barry Cartman

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Everything posted by Barry Cartman

  1. Don't see why it would be fair to have all games off just because Utd and Leeds fans are complete twats to each other If Utd were playing someone like Brighton, the game would be on
  2. Does your right to do a Nazi salute in satire rank above or below your right to shout you're a nounce at Prince Andrew?
  3. Not 100% sure this is true, but the last set of stamps commissioned before her death, may well be this Transformers set https://shop.royalmail.com/special-stamp-issues/transformers?gclid=CjwKCAjw1ICZBhAzEiwAFfvFhLZMnanNJ_qf6kohCizftMdZWbWepFAynxtHGTp8WbOa4FHy3kjL1BoCrA4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds Might have to get the framed one as a mark of respect/they look cool
  4. Weirdest mark of respect I've seen, rest of the world getting a live stream, UK account just throwing up a video of it afterwards :/ What difference does it make
  5. When football is back I don't want to see any respecting, they had that chance, we did our respecting in its absence like they wanted
  6. My friends son has had his football match cancelled in the morning, but basketball in the afternoon is going ahead
  7. Hopefully Microsoft, Steam and Sony turn their servers off for 2 weeks as a sign of respect
  8. Why is her lifeless body being dragged around the country like a trophy parade ffs
  9. I'd have more compassion for the situation if everything surrounding it wasn't so ridiculous and completely out of touch with what's currently happening in the world and this country
  10. What about money with the Queen's face on, will it still be legal after shes gone!!??
  11. pffft they didn't even bother using the same shade of skin colour for the cheeks and chin area, its clearly a puppet with a moving mouth
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