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More user control regarding how the UI works as well as when to stop processing and when not to


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One of my gripes with how the game works is that I think there are way too cumbersome to use the UI, and thus I always use skins to show me the information I want where I want it. And while I appreciate this is individual and that skinning allow each to have it as they want, I still think there are MORE options that could be included to let users see what they want and what they don't want.

  • While there are some, slightly hidden, options to change the screen flow, I would like to see this enhanced a lot to further let users see what they need, and be able to discard what they don't.
    • Tactical meeting before each match should be optional
    • Briefing feedback after confirming squad for a match should be optional
    • "end quick chat" and the other various "end discussion" boxes, let these be optional.
    • More confirm buttons need to be optional, like contracts and stuff, why have an extra click after everything?
  • Moving clickable boxes based on context
    • This is something that drives me up the wall sometimes. When boxes move based on other things.
    • Example, gestures in quick chats will move the options after using a gesture, so if you know the gesture and option you want, you have to do it slowly to not click the wrong option after using a gesture. Why not have a fixed size for these options?
  • Let users decide what types of messages they want in the inbox and what to not receive.
    • There are loads of options for scouting messages, but there are several other stuff that could be setup in a similar way
      • Managerial changes
      • Player signings for other teams in the league
    • Scouting focus updates
      • Let users select how often and at what criteria we should get
      • Allow for "auto renew" as an option based on criteria
    • Other happenings around the world
      • World Cup (or other tournament) recaps
      • Leading international transfers
  • Let users have more control on what stops processing
    • While there is a single tick in preferences for "fewer stops" this should be customizable
      • Let users decide default time period for next stop unless <parameters>
      • Also stop on things that require user input as now
    • Currently, I can press "continue" and it ticks over a few hours and show me an inbox item that I don't really care about or are meaningless to stop for, say the result of my reserve team. This is not time critical, thus don't stop for it.
  • "Continue" not actually continuing
    • Some times the "continue" button does not,  in fact continue, but rather take you to another screen. Why?
    • If its going to take me to another screen, make sure I actually NEED to see it (based on preferences) and not have it read "continue" as that term means "start processing" in most users mind.
    • If it's going to take me to anther screen, and I need to see it, label it correctly.
  • Allow much more customization in the default skin rather than have so much stuff being hidden away and have users rely on modders to show what we want.
    • Let us customize it in the game to a much higher degree than it allows now.
    • Most users don't want to use skins, but we need to in order to see what we want at a glance
    • The only option is often skins and search a long time to find what we want through pure luck, or learn to mod ourselves.

The game is very click heavy, and adding in these things would allow for users who wants all the into to decide what they see and how often it will stop to let it be seen, and also let others streamline it further to only show what they need. Or, more likely, let user see what they want, when they want it, and allow it to be customized to suit each personal preference. With the change to Unity, I have understood the UI will be redone, and I hope this means the UI will be much more user friendly, as well as much easier to customize to suit our preferences, than it currently is today.

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