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ben carter

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126 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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    Newcastle United

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    Athletic Bilbao

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  1. Carrying over saves, new business models. Sound like in part from FM25 they're going to try a service model. Switching to Unity on it's own doesn't sound enough to call FM24 the last of it's kind. Seems like a pretty big shift in focus or how you actually pay to play.
  2. Cheers. Got it working fine now. The team analysis polygons don't seem to be showing correctly for me though. I've tried the older version and the new v2.10 release.
  3. Hi. Quick question after the winter update. I still really like the older player profile you created. Is there any way to fix the data visualisation issue in your older versions using what you've just updated?
  4. Error on my part sorry. I liked the older home screen so I thought it would have been possible to just replace the home screen files in the new dark screen to get it back.
  5. Also noticed on both dark skins. The home screen tabs for scouting, last match and league table are blank as is the side medical centre one.
  6. One issue I found. When using the numerical version it still only shows graphical attributes for me when assigning coaches to training.
  7. Fixed it with help from elsewhere. For anyone else interested it's a graphic called indicator.png in graphics/icons/custom/note Edit: Also I guess this can be deleted. I probably should have asked in random skinning questions
  8. When you create a note for a player and have the icon show after their name, is there a way to change the colour of the icon? I've always played with a dark skin and had no issues but I'm trying a light one this year and it's not super visible on a bright skin always. Cheers.
  9. When you create a note for a player and have the icon show after their name, is there a way to change the colour of the icon? It's yellow (default colour I believe) and it's not super visible on a bright skin always. Cheers.
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