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282 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

About Watson156

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    Aston Villa

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  1. Thank you very much, I've found what I needed and got it to work. Thanks
  2. I am trying to change this part of the tato skin, I really want to add Languages Spoken instead of Coaching Style. Instead of Coaching Style it would say: Languages Spoken Obviously, the second part would be the languages that he speaks. The problem that I have is that I have no idea where to get the necessary information to change it. Can somebody please help! Thanks <container class="tato" red_replacement="woz_3rd"> <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="-13,-20" offset="0" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <widget class="label" spec="text,small" alignment="centre_y,left,can_scale" colour="fg"> <translation id="text" translation_id="242543" type="use" value="Coaching Style" /> </widget> <widget class="coaching_style_label" alignment="centre_y,left,can_scale" colour="fg" font="tad" size="10" > <record id="object_property" get_property="npcs"/> </widget> </container>
  3. Ok thanks a lot. I'll have a look at those suggested panels. Thanks
  4. Really loving the new update. I have a quick question about the Player Ratings Page during a match. I noticed that the body language section seems to have a different font to the players name and performance section. I had a look through the panels but I couldn't seem to find how to change the font on either the body language section or the other sections to match that one. Is there any way to change the body language font so that it matches?
  5. Can anybody confirm that this update will fix the staff transfers page?
  6. Quick question. With regards to number 1, is it possible to create a seperate version of that graphic just to use on match day screens?
  7. Can somebody please help me locate these files. I have done so much editing/tweaking of things that I've got no idea what controls what anymore! These are all from the matchday. The first is from the screen when you finalise your team. The 2nd is where the continue button goes after the team talk (I think). The 3rd is from the match day tablet. Im using the Tato match day if that helps. Thanks
  8. Im not sure if this has been talked about a lot, but how the hell have they managed to screw up the staff transfers page. I just don't simply understand what they could have been changing that would lead to that screen not working, and nobody even checking it. Just mind blowing, and thats not even getting onto all of the other massive problems with the game.
  9. Can somebody please help. I am wanting to make this header my primary club colour but I am having no luck. I have attached the code for the section of this header I think. It includes the title which was easy to change so I believe that this is the correct part! I don't know a lot about skinning but I think the part that needs to be changed is relating to this class: class="main_subtle_box_no_margin" I don't know where this is or if its even possible to change the colour of this container. I have downloaded this years classes folder with the Resource Archiver but there wasn't a main_subtle_box_no_margin class in there. I tried to use red_replacement="primary" but that just made the container dissapear and just leave the title. Is there a different container that I could use that would be easy enough to change to the primary colours that wouldn't affect any of the other codes etc? Hope all that makes sense! Thanks <container id="npiR" class="main_subtle_box_no_margin" priority="130"> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" offset="0" gap="0" /> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignmnet="horizontal" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" /> <widget class="label" spec="text" alignment="centre_x,centre_y,can_scale" font="label" size="10" colour="secondary"> <translation id="text" translation_id="319476" type="use" value="Career Stats[COMMENT: manager overview; section heading]" /> </widget> </container>
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