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59 "Houston, we have a problem"

About cerud

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    Vancouver, Canada

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    Vancouver and Tottenham

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    Lower league!

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  1. I just took an amateur club up from the 4th division of Danish football to the 3rd division. The board has decided to go semi-pro as a result. The contract they offered me was for $0. Yep. Zero dollars. Suffice it to say, I tendered my resignation. They came back to me, asking me to reconsider. I said I would for an improved contract, to which they happily agreed. The improved contract? $0. There seems to be a couple bugs here: 1. In transition from amateur to semi-pro, should I receive a semi-pro contract like everyone else?? That has a wage? 2. In having the board agree to improved contract in order to not resign, shouldn't an improved contract be offered? Not the exact same that I've currently receiving? Save uploaded. Hope this helps!
  2. Ahh, good to know. Thanks for the response. This had been beyond frustrating! Edit: Although, now that I think about it...why wasn't my DoF following the rules set out by our scouting budget/range? Does he think this doesn't apply to him??
  3. I've found managing lower league teams in this version of FM to be impossible because I end up bankrupt within weeks of taking over a club. It's mainly to do with scouting. I have my scouting range well within my scouting budget. However, in a week or two, I've over my limit and severely draining whatever funds I may have had. For example, the save I've uploaded is in the Swedish 2nd Division (4th tier). Within 10 days of taking over, I have a negative scouting budget. I've only hired 1 scout and have never sent them to scout any player. There is also no recruitment focuses. Where is this money going? In other saves, I've had my scouts completely ignore my range/budget and start to scout way beyond out means. Every time I cancel it, they just start it up all over again within days. This has been an issue since the game came out, not just since an update.
  4. You're right! My bad. This is a fairly decent explanation of the two. https://www.stlcitysc.com/news/soccer-101-gam-tam
  5. Not sure if it's been implemented properly, but you actually need to use TAM to buy down contracts. GAM is used for player transfers. There's more to it than this, but that's the very basic explanation.
  6. I agree that unregistered players need to be shown the door. But the roster rules, even though there's a lot, do help you with organization of the squad as a whole. It's like trying to manage a MLS club with all of their roster rules! The structure of these rules though should help you balance things out, i.e. higher-paid players are important, not fringe, etc.
  7. Congrats on the new job! A change of scenery is probably a good thing at this stage of your career.
  8. Fair enough. Although, a move to South Korea would definitely boost your rep!
  9. Doing great in Hong Kong! Starting to think about moving possibly? Outgrown the club and league? Have you received any job offers yet? Or has reputation not caught up yet?
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