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Some topics for discussion

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Here are some topics i would like to discuss with the community....

1) Greek superleague has 3.5/5 stars of popularity? how much should premier league have? 8/5? do you agree with the ratings of the leagues this year? at last dynamic but...

2) hot ... or not? i am talking about using assistants such as genie scout, copied tactics, copied training, players that everyone signs, coach calculator etc

3) please your opinions. this year more or less difficult than fm10?

4) why Pro evolution and fm almost never agree on a player's skills and ratings? what is your opinion on that?

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1. there will always be arguments about which league is bigger, but the researching team have been doing a pretty good job over the years so i'm happy to give them the benefit of the doubt.

2. i use the editor to add myself and a couple of mates into the game every year at some point to keep myself interested in long term games, but i do like to start without any help and learn more about the game myself

3. i think for new players, they will find the game very difficult to get into. the game has come on an awful lot over the years and the pick up and play element that other management games have is missing in the FM series.

i'd also argue that the game punishes players who do not put enough effort into their tactics as there seems to be more impetus in the players abilities and characteristics rather than shoehorning 11 players into your super tactic.

4. they are different games made by different companies with different researchers. you ask 20 people to attribute steven gerrard (or any other player) and i'll bet money that no 2 recommendations are the exact same

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no, because gerrard for example is a specific player we all know. let's try to rate his passing from 0-100. we would all agree that it is somewhere between 70-100 right? yes. but would anyone say 40? no. i am not saying that they should be exactly agreeing but they should be close to each other. gerrard is an example. they may get him right. but with other players they have messed up

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