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Could someone help by telling me how I can add a background to this please


As you can see the writing overlaps and I need to add a darker background.

Also could someone help by telling me which panel controls the inbox font size.

Thanks in advance.

I have found another problem I could do with some help with please.

How do I add dark background and move the writing down a little on this.



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The graphic in the World Dropdown screen should be controlled by these graphics by default: boxes/custom/solid/paper (if the skinner has customized it you'll need to check what location has been entered into the 'world menu panel.xml' file located in the panels folder)

The Match screen should be controlled by this graphic by default: boxes/subsection/match/paper (if the skinner has changed the location it is declared in the 'client object viewer selector match.xml' file located in the panels folder). To move the text there will be a paper.xml file located in the same folder as the graphic, in this you'll need to adjust the image_borders values or the title_inset values to shift the text around.

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Thanks for your help Michael everything worked great but could ask for a bit more help as this is the first time I have ever tried to build a skin.

I am looking to make the inbox items font a bit smaller and think it is controlled by the inbox item panel but can not find any size details in there.

I am also looking to change the colour of the font after where is has match to white if you could help by telling which panel this would be.


Thanks again

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The Headline Colour is controlled by the fonts\inbox_title.xml file (if its not present for your skin, you can obtain it from the skins\fm-widgets\fonts folder) in that file locate these lines:

<integer id="fill_colour_red" value="54"/>

<integer id="fill_colour_green" value="56"/>

<integer id="fill_colour_blue" value="59"/>

<integer id="fill_colour_alpha" value="255"/>

And adjust the values to what colour you want.

To change the font size of the inbox content there should be two ways to do it.

You should be able to resize the inbox text by editing the 'panels\news_item_panels\inbox content panel.xml' file, locate this line (you may need to extract from the default panels.fmf file):

<widget class="text" id="bdtx" auto_size="vertical" spec="text, large" colour="text" font="fonts/inbox_body" size="11" setup_hint_for_overrun="false">

And changing the settings on that line should adjust the font size (you might need to change the spec bit to read just spec="text" and then adjust the size value otherwise one setting might override the other), unfortantley each inbox item type is now controlled by its own xml file so you might need to locate similar looking lines in each file in that location and adjust the size and/or spec values.

The other way involves editing this line in the fonts\text.xml file (again if not present for your skin it will be found in the same location as the above file):

<real id="font_size_large" value="11" />

You should then just need to adjust the value to the pixel size you want, though this will resize other parts of the game that also use the Large size text spec setting, and it might also be overriden by the size value set in the news_item_panel xml files as I'm not sure off the top of my head which location takes priority in game when the code conflicts.

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For white you just need to set each of the red, green and blue values to 255. There is also a colour picker included within the game – just go to Preferences -> Interface -> Skin Colours, then click on one of the existing colours and a colour selector pops up where you can select a colour and get its RGB value, you then just need to enter the relevant values on the relevant line of code.

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Hi Michael I did say I would need more help and have found 2 more problems if you could help to solve.

The first one is a problem with the scoreboard background.


Then the second one is how to make this panel a bit bigger or move it up to fit all the writing.


Thanks again for all your help with this it just seems that every time i get one bit right something else goes wrong but i am have fun with it so all good.

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Scoreboard graphics should be located in the folders within the '\graphics\boxes\custom\match\scoreboard' folder for the skin (if the skinner has changed the locations you can locate them from the 'panels\match title bar score.xml' file).

The transfer offer news item should be controlled by 'news_item_panels\inbox content with transfer offer panel.xml' file deleting that should reset it back to default sizes.

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Got the scoreboard sort so thanks for your help yet again.

But I do not have a 'news_item_panels\inbox content with transfer offer panel.xml' file. Could there be a different file?

I am now only a couple of things way from completing my first skin all be it by uses bit of bobs from other skins.

I think my last problem will be looking to find out which panel controls the colour of the 2 bars that you get above and below the calendar when you continue and when you save the game.


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If it's not present just copy over the default file from the \panels\news_item_panels folder which is extracted from the panels.fmf file, once you have copied the file over, locate this bit of code near the top:

<!-- content area -->


<layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="95, -1" gap="1"/>

And increase the bold red value until the content fits. (Easiest way to adjust it,

For the Processing bar the colours should be controlled by these values declared in the settings xml file for the skin:

<!-- Processing Box -->

<colour name="processing_box_background" red="50" green="50" blue="50"/> <!-- Processing box background colour - red_replacement -->

<colour name="processing_box_border" red="50" green="50" blue="50"/> <!-- Processing box border - blue_replacement -->

<colour name="processing_box_shadow" red="0" green="0" blue="0"/> <!-- Processing box shadow colour - green_replacement -->

You just need to locate them and change the assigned RGB values.

If the skinner has changed the code then the panel is controlled by the '\panels\game\game processing panel.xml' file, there will be code that looks like this in the file:

red_replacement="processing_box_background" blue_replacement="processing_box_background"

Locate near the top of the file for the top bar and similar code near the bottom for the bottom bar, you just need to change the bolded value to a different name (more detailed instructions on how to do this are in part 4 of my skinning guide stickied at the top of the forum).

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Got to say a massive thank you for all your help so far it has made things a lot easier.

After playing around to try and make things better I have made a couple of problems and can not work out how to put them right.

Here is the first


I need to move the scoreboard background down or the writing up to fit in.

The other thing is I am looking to make the highlighted area more transparent I have any idea it has something to do with the player training information panel but not 100% sure.



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