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When did miles and si games start to think its okay to make a broken game every time?

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This is just a post to recapture the moment when you guys began to accept of having to release a broken game every year? I just want to understand why Its okay to release a game that requires patch after patch after patch every release. I know alot of people will say "Money rules" or "Stop complaining we get a great game" or "What the heck are you saying, this game isnt broken its your fault and your damn tactics".

Do you guys start from scrap every version so that the bugs and faults that are made are really unavoidable? Do you have enough time to make the game before release date or... hmm clearly not. I, like many others DO ENJOY the game.... when its playable after patch XX.3

And we ENDURE the time to that day we see a little news-flash on steam, what else can we do, we ADDICTS of this game. I just want to understand!

I know you cant compare a game(in these days of downloading patches within seconds) with a table or a car or a box of chocolate. Its not okay to get a table without 2 table-legs that you get 4 months after the buy, or a car without an engine or wheels, or a chocolatebox without chocolate as they are sent to you every month. Its not compareable, I know that. You could compare it with games before downloading became with such ease that you made a game and thats that, no patch, not even an extra cd to fix a problem.

Its not just you SI Games, everybody is doing it. You gotz to haz CAZH on a RELEASE DATE! I know that. And yes THE GAME IS PLAYABLE at an extent! And I might be just a pain in the.. right now. Maybe Its me? I should be thankfull for the patches? Thank you SI for making the effort of fixing the game. You could have just ignore it.

I just want to know, deepdown, When you guys started to accept the fact you always have to release BROKEN GAMES? Does it still make you proud of the game on release day? "HEY DAMN GOD JOB GUYS THIS GAME ROCKS... its not ready yet..but damn.. when we fix all problems it will be!!" ... And it will.

Miles Jacobsson, How about NOT doing the CRAP-YOUTUBE-VIDEOS about how AMAZING the next game IS before It actually is! And how about a proper EXCUSE after EACH patch!" HEY SORRY GUYS ITS NOT JUST READY BUT WE R GETTING THERE!"

And YES I Love this game. I Just want You To Stop for a Minute And THINK! "WHEN DID WE SET OUR STANDARDS SO LOW???"

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