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Issue Comments posted by EdL

  1. Its unlikely tomorrows release will resolve it, unless there has been an inadvertent "fix" - there is basically a bad luck element to this as far as we undertstand, there is a flaw in the Ryzen 1000 series processors and certain program flow and code patterns can make it more likely to present itself.

    We are still waiting to get a machine in house so we can experiment and see what we can do to workaround it.

  2. 6 hours ago, CyberOps said:

    Already tried that but it doesnt fix it, I asked others and didnt fix it for them either. But like I said hope it gets looked at to begin with cause it makes no sense at all forcing people to use the C drive or it wont work

    Yeah that is being looked at, just trying to get you running the in the meantime, I really don't understand why it doesn't work for you on C: as I have it installed here and its fine

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