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lionel messi

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Everything posted by lionel messi

  1. The Database has been updated to include the Premier League TV money from the 2025-26 season
  2. are you using my database? the first one does not look like mine
  3. Why are you playing in the United Counties League Premier South? That seems way off
  4. You need to gain promotion to tier 7 before you can start offering part-time deals
  5. Its happened to a few others that i know of, it eventually stops
  6. You are not able to offer part-time contracts until promotion to tier 7 is assured
  7. The database as now been updated https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3110921722&searchtext=eng
  8. It usually happens when you have risen up a few leagues.
  9. I dont know. It may have gone up but not enough to be represented in stars. Have a look at the overall club reputations see where you are in that list.
  10. I think they are a professional club anyway which will be changed in my next update along with macclesfield FC
  11. I will put it in on my next update. Its really hard to get accurate info for stadiums, espcially how many seats there are.
  12. New Updated file https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3110921722&searchtext=eng Discord server for FM24 Level 10 challenge https://discord.gg/CVJnTmCZ
  13. Why is your game crashing? Are all your drivers etc up to date? I dont think anyone else is getting any crashes. Here is a link to the discord server. https://discord.gg/rndYrtP2
  14. too be fair you have done a very good job with both macclesfield and bury in you division.
  15. In my 3 seasons my average attendance has been 20, 28, and 37 Just got promoted to tier 8 so i hope it goes up a little now we are paying alot more out now. currently £200,000 in debt.
  16. you can start offering part-time contracts once you secure promotion to tier 7
  17. sorry to hear you was sacked but good luck in your new job
  18. Database has been updated on steam https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3110921722
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