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0 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Funny, now SEGA says contact Steam as they are retailor, and Steam says contact SEGA as they are retailer.. who the real retailer???
  2. Well, yes, I mailed through this link, still no response
  3. I already did, but no response unfortunately, as they do not have live support. Just emailed and waited 3rd day to get some feedback.
  4. Hi, please help me, as I see you are an administrator here. I can not find a submission forum for refund a game through the official website for playing on PC Steam. Whom do I need to talk?
  5. Hi guys, please have a look for my issue. I have bought the game from Official Store (https://www.footballmanager.com/) but can not find a way to refund, as there is no live customer support or any place to ask for that. How can I get refund so? I played less than an hour on Steam (but purchased via Activation code from official store as I already mentioned above) and it is so overwhelmed for me to have a fun from the game, it is very time consuming even if i tried to skip most part of the gameplay. Thanks before
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