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Everything posted by zeza

  1. Recruitment focuses are still glitched, almost a month that it's glitched and no fix yet. Sent a report and had a lot of responses but feels bad that I can't play the game properly..
  2. Thanks for the answer! I found out that the scouts are finding the players but aren't scouting them 100% and if they meet the criteria, somehow they don't get recommended. So maybe the issue is with the recruitment focus itself. Can you let us know if it's a bug or if it's working as intended?
  3. A data começa antes cara.. Eles não atualizam transferências/contratos pós-data de lançamento, talvez em Janeiro.
  4. I've commented this issue on a Reddit post and feels like a lot of people have the same issue. Let's hope they answer something!
  5. Another thing to note is that even when I'm scouting for a specific position, my recruitment focus never find someone as well. Scouts seem to find players but don't continue to scout them and probably discard the report. Feels very glitchy, happened with some of my saves as well.
  6. Hey there! Been playing for 200ish hours already and scouting doesn't seem to work for me. I've loaded all leagues, detail level set at Continental, database players set as almost every option at every continent. So when I try to scout for 15-23 (Age), 5* Gray CA, 3* PA, my scouts doesn't seem to find ANYONE in ANY country. I'm attaching the game file as well as some screenshoots proving that I'm scouting a lot of countries at the same time.
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