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5 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"
  1. Appreciate the time, I'll keep it short. Hope it's clear those were my initial reactions to the short headline quotes, and the titles permeate deeply into many aspects of the game. Your posts on "larger databases and thus more National Teams" have certainly landed much better with the community, so was highlighting that the announcement communicated some things poorly Just one little thing There definitely is a situation where there is a red badge that forces substitution in previous versions, but only AFTER the match do they end up being a green badge or even just with a condition reduction. The suspense of that is tense, and I definitely wish that remains in future versions I get it, always need to be coy when in a public-facing role
  2. Posting my initial thoughts on the features here Those above were my first reactions to the things right at the top of the article, and I'll leave them as such even after some clarification by Marc It also seems that there is awareness of what demographics of players might respond positively to how announcements are worded. I'm not sure where along the spectrum of casual-hardcore I fall into, but neither do challenges like many on Vibe nor do I just play with 1 big club. I usually have 1 long-term save, either from the lower leagues or in a smaller top league I play over one whole FMM And those are my initial reactions to those first few sub-headers on the announcement and how they were worded, at least for a player like me,,, whatever demographic I happen to fall in We already get it in the inbox, so I guess they moved it? Hopefully they meant improved it and moved it to a Hub Maybe some people might need it? I do recall it being an absolute joke in the PC version, Captain Obvious tier advice. Hopefully they implement it well Errr we already do have it in the post-match report? 🤔 Oh a better tutorial? Possibly good, I wouldn't call it a feature but this remains to see I don't think this should even be classed as a feature, this is probably closer to an achievement screen with additional flavour text Now I'll talk about on-the-fence changes for me Reading the rest of the article, I see 1 implied change Previously players who got knocks with the green plus sign used to just be forced to be taken off, and we get the relief of finding out the injury was a minor one post-match. Unless this replaces those instances where it says the players got a knock, and their condition just goes down? That happens as well Decent change, but it remains to see how that plays out in the match engine. Happens often when something new is added to the match engine, the last few changes like this have left much to be desired. Set-piece changes and team talks come to mind. I do hope there's no "You can tell if VAR will give the goal or not" debacle related to this as well This one is appreciated, I'd personally prefer if they left the body language out and just allowed us to change set-piece instructions midmatch though. If I recall composure isn't even an attribute they port over from the PC version, so what will the game use to calculate the penalties? Now for the negatives I've been clear I think the purple has been something I personally find awful, and I get SI has branded its image around it. The existing tactics screen was the nicest screen for me, and any "reworked design for the Squad and Tactics screen" that adds even more of that purple to it will be a negative to me Finally I thought I might as well shoot my own thoughts on things that have been a constant in FMM that bugs me, and yes Just keep in mind that no one working on the game is maliciously evil out to destroy the game, they are probably doing their best within the structure. It's not that I don't have scathing criticisms of the suggested improvements, the 3D match engine in particular is one I don't like. Even on FM a lot of the 3D needs to be ironed out, so pushing that onto mobile is insanity 1. Given that some thought seems to be placed on various stats mentioned by Marc like goal droughts, I feel that a lot of the statistics and records in the game need to be recorded and displayed better: I swear there were 1 a couple of FMM where league stats displayed GK clean sheets instead of conceded, can we have that back? It seems that there were a bunch of statistics that used to exist in previous FMM up till FMM22 on the manager profile page, such as cumulative sales numbers which were fun to look at. They've disappeared in the FMM23 version, I do wonder if we can have those back at some point as well I'm sure data storage is a key issue in the saves, which is why a lot of the history is cleared between seasons. But I do believe club history are entries that take up less space, so I believe players who play longer term saves would appreciate that It seems very common that player histories don't display well, for instance I would really love for empty entries to be deleted if I move them on at the start of the season. It's a really minor detail, but it really makes for viewing pleasure when looking through the saves 2. Player Ratings They really should be more reflective of performance regardless of position. We all know the types of players, multiple trophy-winning CMs or GKs who have 6.8 ratings. And no they weren't constantly being subbed on and off, for 6 pointers Although that does remind me, can we have it so that the late sub doesn't have an automatic 6 rating? The last one is more of a hopeful suggestion, but can be have decimal ratings? Yes I recognise it definitely takes additional data on this one, so that's just a hopeful 3. I'll be the first to admit I get annoyed at press conferences and multiple-choice options presented, but if it were to be implemented can there be much more variety with some acknowledgement of edge cases Every time it's usually either a crisis or "can the team maintain its form?" There is so much more that is asked at press conferences that is circumstance specific, such as injuries or various rumours Every 2 games I get the same handful of styled messages that this player's career is over at the club. Yes I rotate my squad, but it's just a labourious task to click the same thing again and again Speaking of edge cases, my favourite one is when it's like "Oh he needs to play to get called up for his nation". Mate, I'm the National Team Manager 4. Regens I know a lot has been done and it is called evogens now; All I can say is whatever the percentages are on the occurrences, at least an order of magnitude more frequency. And no "just don't sign them" isn't quite it, a lot of joy comes out for example 1 really good Andorran and a handful of good evogens More 2nd nationalities please, this also indirectly tied to more national teams eventually as they will eventually get called up to those nations Anyway I hope this was constructive, at least from a player plays long term saves and just likes a good story with interesting player histories
  3. We can get into my disdain for exclusivity deals another time, that's my gripe with Netflix and others who offer exclusivity deals As for companies who sign those exclusivity deals, I definitely had a sinking feeling that this was a really corporate decision when it was first announced. I didn't say much till we knew more, but this pretty much confirms it "If you wanted JUST a meal, then it would be $X a year. Which is a lot of money. But given it comes with a whole ton of cakes sent to you, it's odd to look at it this way". Except I just wanted a meal. Yet there's a little coercion to be committed into something way bigger without the option of just having that meal, and once I'm in that eco-system a lot of psychological inertia to pull out. But I don't need to hear Netflix's side from SI, I'd like to hear SI's side from SI. I'm keen to see what will be in the blog you mentioned a couple of times, I hope it mentions how specifically FMM would be better when now bundled with Netflix, what the consumers (especially those who don't want/need a Netflix subscription) stand to benefit in exchange for losing FMM as a standalone product or perhaps there's already a giant leap forward in many aspects of FMM24 that will capture Netflix's existing target audience rather than nerds who like resource management + watching dots move on a screen.
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