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  1. This seems like the same thing I reported in a different thread. Always have crashed when switching to/from player profiles. I even posted all of the crash files and logs and a YouTube video of an actual crash. No response after doing all of that. Not even a confirmation of receipt.
  2. After about 8 minutes of messing around with Player Profiles, I got the error to pop up. Below is the linked YouTube VIdeo (the error occurs at the very end). I included the entire 8 minutes in case it may help troubleshoot the issue. It freezes for about a minute before closing out. Because I had the recording on Game Capture, it didn't show the game closing and going to the desktop with the Error Report button coming up, but that is when the game closed out. uploads.log {%22response%22:%22ok%22,%22_rxid%22:%22981a0000-9926-e60a-0000-000000000000%22}.dmp
  3. Here is the crash file and uploads log for this last crash. I will try to recreate it while screen recording by just clicking in and out of player profiles in a bit. I'll post if I get a crash with the logs. {%22response%22:%22ok%22,%22_rxid%22:%227a190000-9926-e60a-0000-000000000000%22}.dmp uploads.log
  4. Here is a crash from this morning. I was checking player progress and reports when this occurred. Still no crashes outside of this. Always when messing around in the player profiles. Let me know if there is anything else I can provide. Other than this one bug, FM24 is a beast of a game.
  5. Here is the uploads.log file. As far as button clicking, I can't really reproduce it. It just always occurs when I'm switching between player screens when trying to view player attributes/information. I've never had a crash that was caused by doing anything else. It's always when viewing player profiles either from the Squad Planner or Tactics screen. Not sure if you can see that from these log files. uploads.log
  6. I am not the initial poster, but I've also had about a half dozen crashes in the last day on Mac Studio. I have attached the crash dumps below. They usually occur when messing around in Squad/Squad Planner view. Mostly when moving between players and viewing attributes. Hope this helps. I've been saving every 5 mins to try to progress through the save. Mac Specs: Mac Studio M1 Max on Mac OS Sonoma 14.0 32gb Memory 1tb SSD HD {%22response%22:%22ok%22,%22_rxid%22:%220c080000-9926-e60a-0000-000000000000%22}.dmp {%22response%22:%22ok%22,%22_rxid%22:%22920f0000-9926-e60a-0000-000000000000%22}.dmp {%22response%22:%22ok%22,%22_rxid%22:%2206100000-9926-e60a-0000-000000000000%22}.dmp {%22response%22:%22ok%22,%22_rxid%22:%2230100000-9926-e60a-0000-000000000000%22}.dmp {%22response%22:%22ok%22,%22_rxid%22:%2239000000-9926-e60a-0000-000000000000%22}.dmp {%22response%22:%22ok%22,%22_rxid%22:%2292000000-9926-e60a-0000-000000000000%22}.dmp
  7. Was this issue every resolved? I am still having this issue in my games (Mac Studio, M1 Max). This is incredibly distracting.
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