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Posts posted by martplfc1

  1. 39 minutes ago, MoxeysTheName said:

    Do you want screenshots of the scan? Or perhaps a Doctors note? Whatever you need, just you let me know and I'll get it. You've probably got a forensics lab in your garage, all set up to investigate instance's such as this. No detail gets past martplfc1

    Nah, I'll take your word for it :D

    Funny how you accuse people of being very defensive, mind.


  2. 11 hours ago, Barside said:

    This is what FMT is for, introduce additional layers of management like this to the simulation version while keeping Touch closer to the classic (name should never have changed :D ) core elements of CM.

    FMT is just too arcady for me. I'd like something in between - a stripped back version of the original (I.e. One which looks like the original rather than throwing a rainbow at me when I click on a player). If we could get to a stage where you could choose features prior to starting (like you can for attribute masking, etc.) I'd be very happy. I appreciate that might be difficult for SI to implement though.

  3. Sorry to sound miserable, but this seems like another feature that brings you little joy for getting it right but causes huge problems if you get it wrong.

    I'm not a psychotherapist, just let me buy players because their stats are good and fit my style of play.

    Hopefully this isn't too overbearing and hasn't had too much time spent on its development to the detriment of the ME. 


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