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5 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Real Madrid

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  1. OMG so glad this is released, loved your DB back in 2014. Was able to find my original download file of it recently
  2. love the DNA addition, it's a shame there isn't a way of editing the attributes for it does the DNA show differently for players at AI clubs?
  3. that's okay; not sure if the following have been added/suggested; Kerlon, Adriano, Rogerio Ceni, Carlos Valderama (unsure on spelling), Rene Higuita, Andres Escobar, Jose Santamaria, Amancio, Miguel Munoz, Pichichi, Joseba Etxeberria, Santiago Canizares, Pedro Munitis, Roy Makaay, Francisco Yeste, Diego Tristan, Diego Capel, Gustavo Munua, Joan Capdevilla, Gregory Coupet, Sidney Govou, Lillian Thuram, John Carew
  4. It's a shame you can't combine the "AT APPS" to be a sliding stat to show assits, clean sheets etc
  5. is there a way to colour code the positions? ie defenders having a different colour icon to midfielders?
  6. kerlon if not done, rest of the hungarian team, hong myung-bo (not sure on spelling; a South Korean sweeper), Shunsuke Nakamura, Kunishige Kamamoto, Hidetoshi Nakata
  7. I think this would be awesome if it's possible to use as an overview... with the attributes being kept separate... if you hover an attribute area or click on one would the corresponding graph appear on the left? been a while since i've used the skin
  8. for this one, there's a way to reorder the players stats... can't remember how to though
  9. @_Ben_ loving the new changes this year, I haven't been able to test some things as I'm currently at work. When searching for new staff members, is there a way to determine if they're better than the ones that are currently employed?
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