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33 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Folkestone Invicta FC

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  1. Folkestone Invicta Season 2 Really strange year, we started really poorly, then went on something crazy like a 22 game unbeaten run, got all the way to 6th in the table, to fall apart at the end. Getting closer though! I really expect to get promoted next season, getting a hang of what is working in lower league FM24. 3rd in the XG table, 9th in the table that matters so we really underperformed our XG! 2nd Rd of FA Cup was nice.
  2. I just want season 2 over, its been a nightmare! Game seems a bit harder than previous years, been having trouble finding good loans, also board won't give me a senior affliate in Season 2 even. I wonder if bugged, that has happened to me before, two years ago, with the board just saying no to everything without reason. Anyone been having issues like that? Seems like teams accept my loans but players always turn it down. Although we had our first famous win, Swindon got FM'ed here lol.
  3. I think its ok. I've always looked at it as players the DOF 'knows' about, but you still have to trial them or scout them to get the full picture, its just names given to you.
  4. Folkestone Invictia 23/24 We had an ok first season. Predicted 22nd, finished 11th easily midtable. Simmed the last couple months as I was pretty stuck into that spot. I made alot of mistakes with finances and signings. Ran into an issue where I missed 3 loans only being for 3 months instead of the full season, which killed my depth and caused me to not have any real promotion hopes, maybe next year though. Hopefully with a full offseason I can mold this team in the way I would like too. Fun start so far, always good to keep a team like this up first year.
  5. Nice! I remember Marine playing Tottenham that would have been a fun one to takeover.
  6. Found a fun one to start with! Hopefully with the full release I won't have the problems with saves that I did with the beta
  7. I think I'm going to have to restart this once the full release comes out, I'm having technical issues with the Beta. Deleting my previous posts of my starting.
  8. Thanks! I thought it strange I'm instantly getting shut down for trying to improve salaries at this level of a club currently. Never get a chance to negoatate more when they deny request, just instantly saying don't bother us again made me feel a bug
  9. 4Hi all, about 12 seasons into my save, I can only offer extremely low wages to staff, the main one being my scouts. 15/15 Judging Current/Potential Ability scouts are asking for $600k/yr *(USD/yr) and I can only offer $112k (about 20% of what they ask.) Whenever I ask to improve wages, I instantly get shot down and told to not bother them again. Is this a bug? I am uploading save to look at. Here are some screenshots. Could be fixed with in game editor maybe? I don't have but I would get
  10. Giving this one more try. Time to stop picking an ultra challenge, I'm not as good at FM23 as I was F21 and 22. Probably pick the strongest team that gets promoted based on the above rankings.
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