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Everything posted by Loda

  1. Very briefly, graphically what are the main changes this year? Anything significant? Ta
  2. You want the attributes to show on the scout card? You need to go back to the same post again. It's literally the example I use... Hint, bolded an obvious oversight in your code (I'm assuming your layout setup is ok).
  3. https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/564595-attributes-on-scouting-tab/?do=findComment&comment=13964204 have you looked at my guidance in this thread?
  4. C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\skins\<skin name>\graphics\icons\custom\star rating Extract files if they're missing. Alternatively there's a lot of star options out in there in released skins.
  5. Are you doing all the basics, i.e. reloading the skin/ensuring you're editing the correct skin/panels/graphics, files directories are ok, etc.? I deleted the button graphic so the shading is no longer present and I gave the side bar my popup box appearance... So the guidance is sound I'm afraid. I'm 100% certain you're making a small oversight somewhere.
  6. It's called the side bar and within style bar buttons. buttons: C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\skins\<skin name>\graphics\buttons\custom\tactics\style bar (FYI team instructions mini overview although not required here controls the mentality, possession stuff) In all honesty mine is heavily edited and I've deleted the side bar graphics which makes it a bit awkward for me to remember but I reckon line 120 in tactics overview side panel is probably what I've edited to get rid of it. Line number should be same/similar for yours but search "side bar" if needed. So edit graphics and/or add appearances, etc. If you don't have these files, they'll need extracting of course (or stealing from a released skin).
  7. team/team container records overview panel
  8. Your squad view is much better than mine whilst answering your questions I only realised there was a picking panel last night after all these years so I've improved mine massively thanks to you. The embedded buttons and picking buttons in the table (which you've had colouring issues with) are other really nice touches. You also have much greater patience with the morale icons, The intro panel is perfect, I can never be assed to do this screen but if I did, that would be the blueprint. You've integrated a couple tab buttons well, maybe need a slight trim but you're on the right lines. Format and graphic, you're right is a little off. I never have and never will be a fan of the extended sidebar. 06's was below the titlebar too but you still have to account for personal taste. Really nice work but most of all. It's really nice to see someone actually try it themselves and show a bit of initiative.
  9. In terms of the role picker button it may be hardcoded to match the pitch role colouring. I'd have to check the tactics squad panel to be totally sure but there was very little in there from memory re. the buttons. I'm ok with mine as I eventually kept the colouring somewhat inkeeping with the theme but arguably no graphic at all is more true to FM06 and you can obviously edit the graphic to achieve this. Another idea, if you wanted to be really creative, you could play with the shades of the graphic. It'd require a lot of experimentation in a graphical editing program, as it'd be quite unpredictable guessing how it'll come out initially, just an idea... In terms of the picking buttons, yours are much better than mine, I actually had those same buttons at the top but they were splicing and spacing all over the place so I gave up with those. I was definitely not as committed in terms of nailing the colouring as you but I'll take a look and update if I figure anything out. Out of interest does every skin automatically recolour here? If so, this may also be hardcoded too. It's a bit weird though as it never used to be.
  10. Firstly, WTF, I have a patent on FM06 skins Secondly, ****, those tables look nice. I'd love to see further screens in the show your skin thread. Anyway.... I take it you know the directories but I'll mention it anyway, the first one is: buttons\custom\picking\table and needs all the xml colouring deleted so you're just left with the graphic. If you've done this already, you need to make sure there's no conflicting colouring in the settings. I've noticed a lot of issues myself around this but I waited until I could sit down and have a proper look at all my settings.xmls and a lot of it figured itself out after that. Regarding the table, the graphics and associated xmls with icon colouring is found: graphics\buttons\custom\tactics\role picker. Edit the graphics themselves or the xmls depending on what it is exactly you want. I would leave it to the settings to recolour role/duties on the tactics pitch.
  11. I'm actually quite unnerved by how seamless this has been. It's gone back to a selector in the EPL with Arsenal, no problems... I'm not keen on the drop-down menu with this selector though so I'll try and implement my own. I'm sure normal service will resume then, my old one seems less compatible than this selector. I've not added your graphics yet either. It's a shame I'll have to lose your lineups and tables, bar one.
  12. No actually, just tested it again. It seems fine.. There's no selector option, during, an EFL game for example, but personally I'm fine with that. (I'm assuming you're referring to the automatic, in-game scoreboards and not the selector but I'm going to go back to a prem club now (just tested with Birmingham) just to make sure the selector is still fine, ironically I'm testing in your Steklo Skin.. Assume there's no issues if I don't say anything else.)
  13. Ok I felt obliged to revisit this considering Blue is gift wrapping all the scoreboards for us and I said I would do an explanation... It appears the automatic scoreboard changes, dependent on comp., can be made compatible with the scoreboard selector. Done a bit of initial testing and unnervingly not one issue. Reloading skins during a match reverts to the default match titlebar/scoreboard but there's no practical reason to do this other than during skinning and this occurs regardless of if the selector is present, (so just don't reload during matches!). So, considering I said I would update and explain if this is possible, this is effectively my match score area panel: <list id="properties_to_forward"> <record get_property="disable_animations" set_property="disable_animations" target="clkc"/> <record get_property="disable_animations" set_property="disable_animations" target="temc"/> </list> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/> <container> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/> <widget class="match_titlebar_panel" file="scoreboard_selector/match scoreboard selector"> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0"/> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> </widget> </container> My match title bar literally just points to the match score area panel (not rocket science and easily found in base files): container class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel" id="MsaP" file="match/match score area panel"> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" /> </container> Tbh you can probably bypass the match score area panel entirely, putting the first code extract in the match titlebar to achieve the same thing but I've got a bit more going on in mine (as I hate having all the substitute buttons, etc. at the bottom). I tested using this selector coding in a test skin.
  14. Tables tend to have set row heights/spacing so regardless of the size of the container they often don't adjust. This is especially true of attribute tables (I had to scramble for something to fill the excess space within mine on the overview..). I'm trying and struggling to think of any table that has automatically adjusted to be honest (vertically, it's a given they will horizontally). So... You might want to look at: Row height and row spacing in the second panel. And you may also want to consider increasing the text sizes for the attribute name and value sections, just add size="whatever value suits" to help it look less sparse. That's the best I can suggest if you're intend on these changes. @Nachote912 Although looking back at the screenshot I'm not convinced that space is entirely allocated to the attributes given the traits are getting cut off. The primary panel needs further investigation for me to be sure, which you've not provided.
  15. Yeah from a cursory look I thought blue's attribute stuff kinda set a tone /predated it.. I'll see what he sends over but arduous doesn't really cover it. You guys have a commitment to creating these classes I don't think I can match I'm not sure where I'd start or how I'd decide the percentiles either. That seems particularly subjective but if you can get it right... I've not been a fan of Stag stats thing. From what I can see these are text widgets, presumably from real-life(?). Ever since I watched one of @Rashidi's streams and him trying to figure out for 20 minutes where this information was being drawn from , that really put me off as it doesn't seem to be in-game related and I'm not surprised it caused him some confusion. From what I see you aren't applying this though which I really like but takes me back to questions around percentiles. I'd like to include something like this in my skin and I might be able to colour scheme it in a relevant way, in-keeping with 2006 at a push but when all is said and done I'm really struggling for space on the player overview anyway, I really only have slim horizontal areas I'd happily sacrifice... Presumably it can be applied elsewhere though which does make it interesting... A sub-profile that could be applied around the game/player screens maybe. P.S. if any of you ever find a way to get games in role on this screen, I'd die a happy man (akin to bottom left, games in position, it's actually on the player tactics screen, bottom right).
  16. That requires reformatting of the involved tables, row spacing being an obvious one and the text sizes maybe potentially (kinda depends what you want). This will be found within the attributes panel you've linked. Maybe an additional attributes panel too, I'm not sure what has been done with this skin... If you don't have separate attribute panels you will be effecting the player overview as well however (maybe more, I always have separate attribute panels for this reason) so I wouldn't recommend it and to be honest I would also question how good that will look... Seems like potentially a lot of effort (if you're not a skinner) for not a lot. I might consider adding something else in... or maybe condensing it a bit. Saying that I think it looks alright as is to be fair.
  17. I've been away for a few years, the personalisation of classes is a definite area that has progressed in that time. It's proper arduous work, I don't know where you guys get the patience from... the results speak for themselves though. I can kinda figure how Ben has done those bar graphs (which are also great and makes me want to relook at my stats) but I'm not sure I can get my head around those pizza charts! This isn't skinning for the sake of it either, it has a purpose. And personally I think stats might be the most important area that needs this type work.
  18. There's a thread on this not that far down, please search. I've actually provided the code. That main container needs to be turned into a tabbed container too if that's how you want it. Pretty much every player overview panel these days have a tabbed container so search within one of these to see how you need to organise this section The panel in question here is: widgets/scouting centre report card If you don't have this panel in your skin, you need to go back to basics and look at the guides and extract the resource archiver. Alternatively just 'steal' one from someone else's skin. Many edit this page.
  19. Graphic directory: graphics\boxes\custom\match\touchline tablet Panel directory: match/match touchline tablet panel or maybe match/match in between highlights panel That's the directory in the base files/my skin. I don't know what the creator of your skin has decided to do so check both. If he's using the same graphic directory but there is no graphic you will need to extract the base files. In which case read the thread about the resource archiver if unfamiliar with this. All you need to do is modify the graphic in any appropriate program you may have, so the hardest is part is just locating/acquiring the graphic.
  20. Ok not 100% sure what you're trying to do here... guessing you want some kind of general overlay which won't effect match and menu... I'm unsure though as you've got the answer already there, if that's the case, just adjust the transparency on line 28. This seems a bit too simple... Line 40 is the issue you've given everything this overlay. That needs to go. I wouldn't be giving any containers appearances in the client browser. Using your client browser in my skin with these adjustments gives the overlay (I made it pink for effect) but away from match and menu: If I've misunderstood and you don't want any overlay just delete primary/paper, it won't matter then. client object browser.xml
  21. Suspect it's the placement of a background or overlay container. Cross reference it with the base file or one from a custom skin.
  22. I did explain the face sizes would be reduced. You're limited by potential previous changes to the touchline and the panel formatting. It works exactly as I imagined though... I did a quick, crude knock up on TCS below as I'm guessing you both have approximately the same pitch size (I'm not going to mess with footedness as its seems fine on yours..). I changed exactly what I said. <container> <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="-1, 20" offset="0" gap="2"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="1" apply_to_children="true"/> <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" /> <widget class="object_portrait_picture" id="pict" scale_picture="true" image_alignment="centre" > <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0,0,36,0"/> <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/> </widget> <container class="spacer" id="kitS"/> </container> If you want bigger faces it needs a complete rethink as the issue is the amount of space. (tactics icon and/or pitch with tactics container and/or pitch size in tactics overview side panel). I needed to edit all of these, look at how much bigger my pitch is to create the space. Ironically enough though my tactics icon insert for faces is nearly exactly the same as what worked on TCS. tactics icon info panel overview.xml
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