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  1. I dont suppose anyone has gotten far enough into their save to see if the game has been putting in a world cup break akin to 2022, in 2026, despite the tournament happening in the summer?
  2. Update from a few mins later, went into a carabao cup game, its veeeeeery slow when tabbed in. I literally have to tab out to make it speed up.
  3. I am having this exact problem, except, erm, all the time. Annoyingly while typing this, literally while recording a video showing what was happening, it started moving again. Dunno why, but if and more likely when it happens again I'll put a video of it. Basically it can be best described as the game freezing while tabbed in, but pressing the windows button would make it start working again but obviously tabbed out.
  4. So, I'm in the third season of the beta and I'm encountering a huge problem. My computer was able to run season 1 perfectly fine and a lot of season 2, but now that I'm trying to play the third season it is SO slow. Like, ridiculously slow. I dont know if its a problem with my computer or not but it is putting me off playing. I'm using a laptop with 8GB of RAM and the processor is a 13th Gen Intel Core i5-1335U 1.30GHz. Anyone have any advice?
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