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  1. I have another question. On this view, I would like to be able to modify the frame and only see the stats for the season. But I don't know which panel is related to this. Does anyone know what panel this is? Thanks in advance !
  2. Okay, I think I inserted the code wrong in file. Or maybe another problem. I will resolve this, thanks!
  3. Hi, I would like to enlarge the polygon in the player profile. I tried to do that but it only enlarges it in the preview. I searched the forum but couldn't find anything. Thank you in advance for your help !
  4. I tried to get the code to work on FM 24. But it doesn't seem to work. Has anyone else tried?
  5. Hi, I would like to know if you know where the panel and the line for the terrain box is in the tactical screen. I would like to expand the terrain box to the whole screen. Like the game on the PS5. I can't find the panel and the line that corresponds to that. I only found the line to widen the terrain but not the box. Thanks in advance !
  6. Hi, I searched the forum for information but couldn't find it. I would like to know the panel and the line to reduce the squad view on the team screen and on the tactical screen. I wish I could scale up and down. I know one can reduce screen size in preferences (85%, 95%, 100%) but the writing size is too small. And I would like to be able to adjust directly in the panel. Thanks in advance !
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