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Posts posted by dking

  1. 17 hours ago, Tyburn said:

    You should be able to customise the stats you see in the left hand panel during a match, to show woodwork hits, clear cut chances etc.

    If not then have a look at getting the “match screens mod”, if you haven’t already, which has loads of information, and you can definitely customise the left panel to show those stats.



  2. Not sure if it's not being answered because the question isn't being understood so I'll try and explain.


    During a match you used to be able to choose the type of match stats being shown like how many long shots, how often you've hit the post or clear cut chances you've created but I don't seem to be able to do that anymore apart from at half time or full time. 

    Is it still possible to do? If so, how?



  3. I seem to constantly be getting ridiculously bad offers for quality players, and that's if anybody even decides to make a bid.

    Example - Fabinho who is a leading player in the division. Not transfer listed. Worth 76m. Juve offer me 50m for him and ask me to pay 71k of his 175k wages which I obviously refuse, so they come back and offer 51m and expect me to pay 71k of his wages again.

    That's just one example of many joke offers I seem to get. Just me being unlucky or is this an issue with the game?


    Edit - Just had another terrible offer of 44m for a top 24 year old forward worth 66m. Again, not listed or offered out.

  4. So my wingers beat the fullbacks, get to the edge of the six yard box and no matter what just don't seem to knock a simple pass back across the the 6 yard box for a tap in, they always go for the impossible angle shot. I also noticed this in last years version (and the year before?).

    Anybody having the same issue? or is it my tactics.

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