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Everything posted by kda2602

  1. Bonjour, On a en effet un problème de stades avec les clubs de N1. On a identifié le problème le mois dernier, c'est maintenant SI qui a les choses en main mais je ne sais pas quand ce problème sera réglé. On espère lors de la mise à jour hivernale... Merci à toi
  2. Hi @bhamichaelg1996, Thanks for the spot ! It was a missclick when this profile has been created. It is fixed now, but it will have to wait for march update to be visible.
  3. Salut @Max42580, Il y a un autre topic pour la Ligue 2, mais je vais te répondre ici quand même Le poste de Perrin a été corrigé le mois dernier mais la base étant déjà fermée à ce moment-là, ce ne sera visible qu'après le patch hivernal. Merci
  4. Player created, will be in for the winter update as database is already locked since last month. Thanks
  5. Hi @batailletimm, Thanks for your feedback ! Always difficult to put good settings for both feets as it has a high impact on CA, we will have a look and see what we can do. Don't worry, I am not saying that there is nothing to change. Regarding Davitashvili, he arrived later at the club and we needed to see him more before changing his profile. In that kind of situation we always trust the scouts of the country the player is coming from. Anyway, his profile will be reviewed for winter update, as for all other players
  6. Hi @Zachary Whyte, @Batigoal__ I logged new squad numbers rules for Ligue 1 and Ligue 2 on 13/06/2022 on Helix. Issue #59372
  7. Hello @Tazim61, Not a data issue here, just a transfer news. But thanks anyway for helping. Done already, but will be visible only after winter update.
  8. Salut @Oufti215, Merci beaucoup pour ton retour ! Je suis d'accord avec toi pour les 2 premières remarques. J'ai remonté le centre et diminué la rivalité avec Lille à un niveau beaucoup plus raisonnable. Concernant les joueurs, ils seront bien évidemment revus en fonction du début de saison lors du patch hivernal. Soukouna par exemple était arrivé plus tardivement pendant le mercato. J'ai remonté la probabilité de blessure de Rogie, il sera un peu plus souvent absent dorénavant. Dahchour est déjà juste ingame pour le N1, et vu son âge et son temps de jeu IRL on continuera de le diminuer petit à petit de toute manière. Ayari était déjà plus à l'aise en MC que MDC, mais en effet le jeu le voyait plus comme un MDC malgré tout. J'ai corrigé ça en tweakant un peu son profil pour être plus en accord avec ses qualités IRL. Keita fait en effet 1,92m, c'est corrigé. Ses notes physique et de tête ont donc été revues en conséquence. Lembet avait été remonté une première fois après sa bonne saison en N1, profil remonté encore un peu car on avait effectivement un peu de marge encore. Concernant le capitanat, j'avais passé Lembet devant Dahchour jusqu'à ce que je vois que le club appelle Dahchour "notre capitaine" sur les réseaux sociaux (c'était en septembre de mémoire, c'était récent en tout cas, bien après le début du championnat). Lembet est en effet capitaine sur le terrain à chaque match, mais c'est peut-être dû au fait que Dahchour joue très peu (et encore moins titulaire), donc on le voit jamais avec le brassard contrairement à Lembet ? Note que ces changements ne seront visibles que cet hiver, la base est déjà bloquée pour la sortie du 08/11.
  9. Bably's position was random (we missed to set his position). He is now central defender, thanks !
  10. Bonjour @jay-11, Nous sommes au courant des différents changements de stade de Nîmes. Je viens de vérifier et tout est bien prévu dans le jeu : Stade des Antonins provisoirement, puis retour aux nouveau stade des Costières (que l'on a aussi appelé Stade Nemausus bien entendu). Possible que SI s'en soit chargé après le datalock de la beta ce qui fait que le tout ne sera visible que lors de la sortie officielle du jeu le 08/11. Merci pour ton retour.
  11. Hi @CCalefati, You're right, I will keep a reminder in order to have this done for the winter patch. Thanks !
  12. hI @kb1000, there is a topic for Ligue 2 and lower levels Momont has been created already, but possibly after the beta datalock that's why you can't see him in the beta. Will be visible after official realease on 08/11/22. Nobilo and Perrin where also at the good club and job in the DB, but they were set as "not for extraction" and we didn't notice... It is fixed now but I'm afraid we will have to wait for the winter patch... Thank you for posting !
  13. Doucouré and Fernandes have been added the last days, it will be visible for full release of the game on the 8 of November. Aggoun has also been removed a few days ago as well. Regarding the other players we still had difficulties to confirm that they left with everything that happened to the club during summer. These players will be removed from Bordeaux for the winter patch now. Thanks for the feedback !
  14. It is normal, the beta database will not change. All the changes requested in the different topics like this one will be visible after full realease of the game (on 08/11/2022 then). (+ Mathys Saban's position now fixed)
  15. Ahah good idea ! But no we are not going to change his DOB just to make it pass for this FM. If we do that people will come here and say we created a player with a wrong profile (that would be true). This topic is for data issues, and creating an ineligible payer WOULD BE a data issue. Please now keep this topic for relevant feedback ONLY.
  16. I think you don't understand what I mean here. We can't add players born after 31/08/2006 for this FM (it was 31/08/2005 in FM22 and so on...). It is not a problem of 15 or 16 years old at the beginning of the game. As Sabathié is born in september 2006, we can't do anything now. He will be created in next FM, not before.
  17. Sabathié is too young for FM23, nothing we can do here. We will see what we can do for the 2 others before data is closed for the official release of the game.
  18. Kind of subjective, those profiles have been tweaked a little, but don't expect miracles as they are still young (and they already have a nice PA to make them progress). Thanks for your feedback anyway.
  19. In fact he had no position set to 20, probably a bug when we set the value in the GK field, it didn't process. Already fixed 1 hour ago now.
  20. Je ne comprends pas ce post, le Stade Briochin a toujours joué à Fred Aubert dans le jeu. J'ai vérifié au cas où une modif avait été faite dans notre dos, et RAS dans la base.
  21. Yes, we noticed it yesterday too. The same for Depussay's contract until 2025. Both are fixed now.
  22. Hi @Gunners54 Glaentzlin's transfer has been done already, it is just not visible yet in the beta because the database is older Regarding Latouchent we configured his date of departure, but the contract was not removed. I don't know why, at least it is done now. We know we miss some players in B and U19 teams, we just didn't have enough details about them to create decent profiles (we noted the exact same players than you). I will check if there is more about them now on different websites, we all want to have as much players as we can. Hopefully we will able to have most of them for the winter patch, but if I can create 1 or 2 players during the week-end I will do what I can Thanks !
  23. Hello everyone, Your 3 posts have been reviewed. @saddinkle Aiki's size was random because we didn't know it, he is now 1,78m. @Tious Diakité's CA and PA have been increased, that will bring him to play in Ligue 1 (minimum) in the future. @Gilwho Bokele will be righty now, my bad I always wanted to check this setting and I missed it... Thank you very much ! Really appreciated
  24. Hi @Varera Thank you for the feedback ! Everything is now updated and submitted to SI
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