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63 "Houston, we have a problem"

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  1. I 100% understand that. My beef is the rate at which it happens.
  2. If you're not seeing a ridiculous amount of long shots going in at an alarming rate, then I don't know what to tell you. Keepers are playing like they're blind. I've had countless defensive midfielders with less than 10 in finishing scoring goals on me from 20 yards out. It's insane
  3. Are keepers intentionally nerfed? The scorelines have become absolutely ridiculous with long shots and set pieces going in at alarming rates. Good keepers not being able to stop shots from WAY out at their near post. It's almost FIFA levels of poor keeping.
  4. Set pieces (corners especially) seem generally overpowered this year. I get SI wants to show off their new feature but sheesh
  5. Yep, morale system is definitely overdone and busted once again.
  6. Logging into work this morning, I'm grateful the UK is 5 hours ahead of me! Hopefully only a few more hours.
  7. This thread went off the rails when some people came in here and started taking it WAY too seriously. Felt like I was on Twitter for a moment. This is supposed to be light hearted fun
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